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Where to publish an article about the engine. Scientific journal "Student"






Without waiting for the release of the printed version of the magazine, immediately after the release of the electronic version, we send the author the next set of documents.


1. Certificate of publication + 2. Printed pages from the magazine with the author’s article. Documents with live (wet) seals and signatures of the editor-in-chief. At the request of the author, a printed certificate.

The magazine will not yet leave the printing house, but you will already have a set of urgent reprints!

The cost of an urgent print is 90 rubles. Without delivery.

If you need an urgent print, please select it in your application.

How is instant publication possible?

Each major publication must have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) - a unique number that allows you to identify any periodical, regardless of where it is published, in what language, or in what medium. Each of our publications is assigned an ISSN, but there is one an important feature that distinguishes our publications from others.

Printed ISSN
Electronic ISSN
Certificate of Roskomnadzor

Not only all journals have been assigned printed ISSN , but also assigned to all sites by the Russian Book Chamber electronic ISSN . This means that from the moment the article is published on the site, the author receives full electronic publication , which he can refer to in his scientific works, and at the time of publication of the printed version of the journal - full printed publication .

Articles comply with GOST

The certificates of the journals: “Science, Technology and Education”, “Problems of Modern Science and Education”, “Bulletin of Science and Education” indicate that

Magazines must be sent out

1. Library of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Address: 103132, Moscow, Staraya Square, 8/5;
2. Parliamentary Library of the Russian Federation, Moscow. Address: Moscow, st. Okhotny Ryad, 1;
3. Russian National Library (RNL). Address: 191069, St. Petersburg, st. Sadovaya, 18;
4. Scientific library of Moscow State University. named after M.V. Lomonosov (MSU), Moscow. Address: 119899 Moscow, Vorobyovy Gory, Moscow State University, Scientific Library;
5. State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPNTB SB RAS), Novosibirsk. Address: 630200, Novosibirsk, st. Voskhod, no. 15;
6. Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences (BAN), St. Petersburg; Address: 199034, St. Petersburg, Birzhevaya line, 1;
7. Far Eastern State Scientific Library, Khabarovsk. Address: 680000, Khabarovsk, st. Muravyova-Amursky, 1/72.
full list >>>

Our contracts

Briefly and simply about eLIBRARY and RSCI. All scientific publications are divided into those included in eLIBRARY and those included in the RSCI. Publications included in the RSCI are a more authoritative part of publications on eLIBRARY. Publications on eLIBRARY and in the RSCI are taken into account as the result of the author’s scientific work and in the indicators of his citation. The difference is that the authors have an H-index for all publications on eLIBRARY.RU, as well as an H-index for publications in the RSCI. At the moment, all publications of the publishing house “Problems of Science” are posted on eLIBRARY.

Release schedule

We review, edit, and proofread your work. If the editors receive the article on the last day, there is a high probability that we will not have time to process your article. Applications are considered in the order they are received, which means that applications from authors who submitted them before other authors are considered first. We kindly ask that if you want to be published in the next issue, do not delay submitting your application. Take one minute, fill out and send the application to the editor.

release date Magazine name /
Paid articles up to

Urgent publication!

01/31/2020 Bulletin of Science and Education (instant publication in electronic/print, high impact factor). 01/26/2020
01/26/2020 01/26/2020
01/26/2020 Problems of science(simplified format) eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 01/26/2020
01/27/2020 690 rub. for the entire article 01/26/2020
01/28/2020 (high impact factor). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 01/26/2020
01/29/2020 (International scientific review of problems of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the entire article 01/26/2020
01/30/2020 eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 01/26/2020

Upcoming publications

02/03/2020 (International scientific review of problems in natural sciences and medicine). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the entire article 01/28/2020
02/05/2020 Economics 01/30/2020
02/06/2020 eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 01/31/2020
02/07/2020 (Collection in Great Britain. 02/02/2020
02/10/2020 Academy(simplified format). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/05/2020
02/14/2020 (high impact factor). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/09/2020
02/17/2020 Domestic jurisprudence(specialized edition). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/07/2020
02/17/2020 Modern innovations(International Russian Conference). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/12/2020
02/19/2020 (distribution to foreign universities and research centers). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/14/2020
02/19/2020 (Collection in the USA. International foreign conference). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/14/2020
02/20/2020 (International scientific review of problems of history, cultural studies and philology). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the entire article 02/15/2020
02/26/2020 Problems of pedagogy eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor 02/21/2020
02/28/2020 (International scientific review of problems of law, sociology and political science). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the entire article 02/23/2020
03/12/2020 (International scientific review of problems in technical sciences, mathematics and computer science). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the entire article 03/07/2020
March 25, 2020 (International scientific review of problems of economics, finance and management). eLIBRARY, Google Scholar, Russian Impact Factor. 690 rub. for the entire article March 20, 2020

To start publishing on publishing house "Problems of Science", you need to do one of two things:

  1. Or download application and formatting rules, and then send your application and article to the editor.
  2. Or fill out the application below.


By clicking the “Submit Application” button, you confirm your legal capacity, consent to the processing of personal data in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ and agree with The policy of Olympus LLC regarding the processing of personal data.

If you cannot send an application (for example, using mobile devices), write to the editor at Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. To view it, you must have JavaScript enabled. A simple letter in which you must indicate only the name of the journal. All instructions will be sent to you by reply letter.

By downloading or filling out an application on the website of the publishing house "Problems of Science", the author accepts the terms of the Public Offer Agreement. The Founder and Publisher of Magazines and Websites is not responsible for the placement of Articles that violate the copyrights of third parties. Responsibility for copyright violation lies directly with the Author who sent the Article to the Editorial Board, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Briefly about the publishing house

The publication of an article in the publishing house "Problems of Science" has become possible for you since 2009. Since this year, our publishing house has been publishing not only scientific journals, but collections of conferences, as well as scientific monographs. We provide many scientific and practical services. The Editorial Board includes reputable Russian and foreign scientists. All journals have all the necessary registration data (Russian Impact Factor - RIF, eLIBRARY, ISSN, Conference Participant Diploma, etc.) to record your scientific work. The publishing house "Problems of Science" has an official agreement with the DOI Registration Agency and therefore has its own DOI-prefix - 10.20861. This ensures that your articles will be uploaded to the DOI, will receive a real DOI identifier, and will never disappear from the DOI. The publishing house also has an official agreement with the Book Chamber of the Russian Federation and therefore the personal identification ISBN number is 9906595. List of Higher Attestation Commissions and our magazines.

Our publishing house employs living people who tend to make mistakes, however, we strive to do everything so that you consider our Publishing House the best, therefore:

  1. URGENTLY. We work as quickly as possible. Reviewing - up to 24 hours. Sending a Certificate of Publication of an Article, issuing an official Certificate of Publication - up to 24 hours on business days. When ordering a Certificate/Diploma or DOI, the article is posted on the journal’s website outside the collection for up to 24 hours. We know how important the urgency of publication is, so magazines are published every 1-2 days. What does urgent publication mean?
  2. SIMPLE AND CONVENIENT. We have the simplest rules for formatting articles: size: 14; spacing: 1.5; all fields: 2.5; Paragraph indent: 1.25, no hyphens. The design work is done by our specialists. However, design does not mean content. We cannot write your title, list of references, or draw pictures for you. Your article must comply with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and the rules of eLIBRARY. On any issue related to the publication of works, our managers will advise you free of charge.
  3. LOYAL PRICES. Registration fee per manuscript page - from 90 rub. Convenient form of payment. I have an opportunity free publication and receiving free certificate.
  4. QUALITY. We actually correct and edit your works and bring them into compliance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission. After reviewing and editing, we make sure to agree on the changes made with the author. We have implemented a quality control system for the work of managers, and you can always express your opinion about their work to the management of the Publishing House: dyamaioa®yandex·ru, dyamaioa©mail·ru, dyamaioa®sibnet¸ru (Olga Viktorovna Lazareva - Head of the Quality Control Department). We want to be even better and therefore are looking forward to your feedback and suggestions.
  5. TRANSPARENCY. We do not impose any extras. services: paid reviewing, pseudo-urgent publications, additional payment for co-authors, etc. We don’t talk about discounts, keeping silent that they start with an article of 20-30 pages. With us everything is simple, clear and transparent. Everyone can calculate the approximate cost of publication, based on our prices.

Briefly about magazines

We offer different journals: printed and electronic, domestic and foreign, interdisciplinary and specialized, journals and conferences

Scientific and methodological printed journals with impact factor (3 impact factors)

Scientific and methodological printed journals posted in eLIBRARY

  • Impact factor RIF -
  • Design - GOST.
  • Min. p.
  • Organizational - R. Discount - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.19.
  • The design is simplified.
  • Min. 3 electric/5 oven p.
  • Organizational - R. Discount - r.
  • Impact factor RIF - 0.12
  • Design – eLIBRARY.
  • Min. 3 electric/5 oven p.
  • Organizational - R. Discounts - r.

  • RIF impact factor - 0.17
  • Design – eLIBRARY.
  • Min. 3 electric/5 oven p.
  • Organizational - R. Discounts - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.21.
  • Design - GOST.
  • Min. 3 electric/5 oven p.
  • Organizational - R. Discount - r.
  • RIF impact factor - 0.19.
  • Design – eLIBRARY.
  • Min. 3 electric/5 oven p.
  • Organizational - R. Discount - r.

International interdisciplinary scientific and practical conferences

International scientific and practical conference "European Research: Innovation in Science, Education and Technology/European scientific research: innovations in science, education and technology." London. Great Britain. International Scientific and Practical Conference "International Scientific Review of the Problems and Prospects of Modern Science and Education." Boston, USA.
  • Date: see table above
  • Articles are accepted until see table above
  • RIF impact factor - 0.21.
  • Design - GOST.
  • Min. 3 electric/5 oven p.
  • Page : rub., with account. all discounts rub.

Despite the fact that attitudes towards a company today are largely shaped by influencers, publications in the media still remain an effective tool for increasing audience coverage and drawing attention to a significant news issue. I have prepared a step-by-step guide on where to start, and how to competently build cooperation with journalists.

How to publish an article in a newspaper or magazine

Creating a media card

The question that a PR person first needs to solve is where to publish the article, in which publication. A media card will help at this stage - a document that records important information about the media: circulation, release schedule, audience coverage, contacts of editors, authors.

Systematize the information in the media card taking into account current tasks, determine the target audience, select the publications in which you want to publish the article, supplement, if necessary, the information available in the media card with the necessary relevant data: links, categories, contacts. Keep your media card up to date by promptly adjusting, supplementing and changing the database.

Development of contacts

The second step is to work through the contacts from the list. This stage must be approached with a certain base: ready-made material, as well as synopses and topics for future articles.

It is advisable, when sending your first letter to a publication, to offer specific options for materials or topics that can be published in a magazine, newspaper or online publication; this will significantly save time and interest the journalist faster than abstract conversations about nothing. A detailed, well-written content plan will help you quickly navigate the topics.

Write down all the possible options for articles that should be. You should always have a few ideas in stock for future publications. If the finished version of the material for some reason does not suit a particular publication, you can always promptly, without wasting time, offer an alternative. Don't expect the bulk of the work to be done for you. Of course, the editor can offer options for interesting topics for publication or indicate the vector in which you should work, but there should still be a ready-made proposal; this will help create a positive image.

Distribution of offers
Once a clear concept for publications has been developed, you can begin sending messages with specific proposals to journalists. When choosing communication options and communication formats, it is important to take into account the specifics of the publication and the nuances of business ethics. In one case, it is acceptable to write to a journalist on a social network, in another it is better to use mail. The journalistic request service will also be useful, which provides the opportunity not only to quickly see and respond to a journalist’s request, but also to contact a media representative yourself, significantly saving time.

Also, do not neglect communication on pages in specialized public pages and groups on social networks: comments on a post posted by the author or editor will help establish contact.

How to publish an article on a website

UGC or user-generated content is now actively used by many online publications - for example, Habrahabr,, Rusbase, the Spark platform, etc. Analyze which specific publication you need, carefully study the site and publication conditions.

Principles of cooperation with media representatives

Meet deadlines

Establish yourself as a committed person who takes deadlines into account and, in some cases, is even ready to work ahead of the curve. Submitting material late is not a good idea. This could jeopardize both specific and all future cooperation.

Share information

Always be ready to promptly help the journalist: provide the necessary facts, information, statistics, commentary. Ask how much time you have to prepare a comment, in what form it will be published (in direct speech or indirect), whether a manager’s comment is needed, a link to additional sources, specify the timing of the publication of the material, the collection of information. All this will help you quickly respond to journalist requests.

Don't force things

When sending a letter to the editor, you should not expect an immediate response. Allow at least 2-3 days to receive feedback and, in case of silence, contact again. If there is no answer here, there is no need to continue knocking on a closed door. This means that they simply weren’t interested in your proposal, and it makes sense to turn to another media outlet.

Be adequate when agreeing on the text

Search for a topic

No matter how accurately the PR specialist works from an organizational point of view, if the article is not inherently interesting, you can’t count on it.

The content created should be aimed at a wide audience. The article should not be written solely for the sake of PR. The primary factor is the benefit the reader can derive. The publication is more willing to print a story or share with the audience a selection of tips on a specific topic. If you manage to create truly interesting content for a specialized magazine, then there is a high probability that the article will be published.

Services that will help you prepare articles

To receive free publications in the media, follow journalist requests at.

More useful articles are in our Telegram channel. Subscribe and read!

Content plays a vital role in SEO promotion - it’s trivial, but true. And to successfully rank in the TOP of search engines, you will have to post content with links to the pages of the site being promoted somewhere on other resources.

Many SEO specialists prefer to work, for example, with such a popular platform as MiraLinks. And here, even if you have your own content (article), you will have to pay for the very fact of posting it on a particular resource. Moreover, the rules are such that each webmaster sets his own prices. However, you can post articles for free. There are several relevant and legal ways to do this.

This method has been known for many years, but even now it remains relevant to some extent. SEO specialists are mainly interested in so-called white directories, where links are placed with the dofollow attribute (this means that they are well indexed by search engines). Let's take a closer look at several of these directories:

  • A very good catalogue. You can post one link per article here. There is no limit on the number of content posted. All articles are published forever and all copyrights are reserved. Quite simple registration, an easy procedure for adding an article and fast moderation are also significant advantages of this portal.
  • This is an old and proven directory. Links to it can be seen in the TOP for a large number of requests, so posting an article here is definitely worth a try. You can insert 4 links into one - 2 commercial and 2 non-commercial.
  • Before posting your articles here, you need to register. Among the large number of headings, there will certainly be those that will correspond to the theme of the site being promoted. The main feature of this portal is that the link here is not placed in the article itself, but separately, under it.
  • This resource is very popular. In particular, many bloggers post their own articles here to promote their blogs. For those who promote commercial websites, the resource is also useful. You can insert a high-quality dofollow link both in the article and in the announcement. It’s not so easy to understand all the intricacies of at the initial stage, but over time everything will probably become clear. First of all, you should register and fill out a profile. By the way, in your profile you can also insert a link to your website in the appropriate field.
  • In RuNet there are not only voluminous and universal catalogs, but also those that are focused only on articles on a certain topic. An example is the portal Articles only about self-development and related topics are posted here. You can insert one external link into one text of 3000 characters (this is the format adopted here). The site can well be called “live” and working; here and in 2017, new relevant texts periodically appear.

It is worth adding the resulting list with the addresses of 13 more directories - they may come in handy:


As we can see, there are quite a lot of interesting sites. It’s worth trying to post your articles on all of these sites, and then choose the most effective ones (which actually increase traffic and improve positions) and cooperate only with them.

And one more nuance: many directories eventually fall under search engine filters, for example, due to low-quality links, and this also needs to be checked. There are special services for such checking. To work with them, as a rule, you don’t even need to register. You just need to enter the domain address, and almost instantly all important information about it (primarily TIC and PR) will appear in front of you.

Of course, each portal has certain requirements for materials - this is monitored by moderators who can, in some cases, “wrap up” your text. However, in any case, the better the article, the better. It should not only be unique, but also exciting, there should be no spam and water. Frank and incoherent nonsense is practically not accepted by anyone today.

Writing articles for Wikipedia and placing the necessary links in them

Links from Wikipedia, despite the fact that they have a nofollow attribute (that is, they are not indexed, but are taken into account by search engines) are the dream of many webmasters and SEOs. After all, there is no doubt about the authority of this online encyclopedia. But, of course, such a dream is not so easy to realize. To do this, you need to transform yourself into a Wikipedia author.

The simplest way is this: you need to write an article of a scientific nature and an appropriate format about an issue that has not yet been covered. Then you need to post it on Wikipedia and put a link to your resource as a source of information; of course, this text should also be there.

You can take a longer route (relevant for those who want to put several links). That is, first you need to bring real benefit to the encyclopedia, make some really smart and important changes, and gain the status of a trusted editor. And only then try to insert several links into existing or new articles. Of course, the text on Wikipedia in which you want to place your hyperlink must be related to the topic of the site being promoted and be relevant to one of its pages. You shouldn’t act too arrogantly and try to deceive editors - as a result, you can get a permanent ban.

You can also post your material on large entertainment portals such as It is not so easy to pass moderation here, but it is still possible with a creative approach.

Let's say there is a website dedicated to artistic forging that needs to be promoted. In this case, you can write an article for that is interesting for a large number of users (say, in the genre of a master class), and at the end make a summary, they say, other works and additional information can be viewed on such and such a site (and put a working one here link). It is likely that the moderators will not touch it, and this will bring significant traffic to the resource. Links from such portals, which have a large audience, are also good, as practice shows, because they improve the so-called behavioral factors. And their role in ranking by search engines has been steadily increasing in recent years.

It is worth paying close attention to bloggers, and the more popular the blog, the better. It's no secret that bloggers make money by placing advertising links and other types of advertising on their resources. But sometimes a blogger may agree to post them for free. If the article corresponds to the topic in which he specializes, if it is really interesting. A simple rewrite is unlikely to be suitable here; you will need a good expert text. There is a chance that the blogger will eventually suggest posting a backlink, but this option is not too bad.

By the way, you can start blogging yourself to promote commercial and information resources. Of course, to do this you need to choose a platform with open links. LiveJournal does not meet this requirement, so you should turn your attention to other, less popular, but profitable for masters and SEOs, sites. These are, in particular:


Posting materials on thematic sites and communities

Such sites and communities can easily be called mini-social networks. This is a really good fertile field for posting articles with the necessary links, since in most cases they are open here. Some of these resources accept articles on topics in which they specialize. In addition, they often have their own forums and blogging platforms.

You can easily submit your article to moderators. Another option is to open a new topic and post the text with a link in it as the first title post. Of course, in this case it should not look like outright advertising or “jeans”. And such an article can be posted as a comment in one of the forum threads.

A blogging platform (if available) should also be used. That is, register and, if necessary, post posts with links to the resource being promoted. Here is an example of a thematic site with a blog platform - This resource is aimed at Internet businessmen and is dedicated to Internet business. This means that relevant articles on these or related topics will be appropriate here. All links on this resource, by the way, have the dofollow attribute.

Finally, I should say a few words about text content. Some people don’t want to pay not only for placement, but also for content. And therefore resorts to pirate methods that violate copyright: banal copy-paste, scanning books. Naturally, this does not lead to anything good.

There is also such a phenomenon as synonymizing, which allows you to almost instantly, by mechanically replacing words with synonyms according to the dictionary, turn one text into another, unique one. However, search engines recognize synonymy, and today it is almost impossible to promote a page with such content to the TOP.

The conclusion is simple: it’s better to write it yourself or order texts for money from professionals - this is the most profitable and proven way.

For example, in this article I will tell you why publishing on third-party sites is so important, where to place an article and how to write a suitable text.

Why is website promotion using articles so effective?

I believe that writing optimized texts and then posting them on different sites is one of the best methods of getting traffic and strengthening your position in search engines. And that's why:

  • Firstly, if you are going to publish your article somewhere, it will 100% be a site with high TIC and PR parameters. Also, many sites where you can post an article are quite popular, and therefore are trusted by search engines. All kinds of article catalogs and information portals are constantly developing: every day moderation becomes stricter, and the amount of content increases. It is for this reason that such sites attract search robots. By posting an interesting article on a quality resource, you speed up the indexing of your own site: your site may appear in search results within a few minutes after publication.
  • Secondly, one link from the site is far from the limit. If your article is useful and well written, then it may well be shared and cited. Directories also allow you to use articles for free with mandatory indication of the source. In other words: you post one good article and receive backlinks, the number of which can increase every day.
  • On almost all sites, each author has a personal profile in which you can provide useful information. For example, you can write several sentences with the desired key phrases, and also add any link.

Set up a publishing schedule, devote the time (or money) to writing good articles, and after a while you will experience an increase in traffic and notice an improvement in your rankings.

Where can I post an article for free?

Here you can find free articles to fill the site, as well as post your creativity. Moderation is quite fast. The only negative: in the article itself, all external links are awarded the nofollow attribute. But in the “About the author” column, you can safely insert the desired link, which will be indexed. The topics for articles are very different.

A database of sites with countless thematic catalogs and websites.

Where else can you write an article?

  • At least 2,000 characters, Links in the article itself are prohibited (there is a separate field).
  • At the time of writing this article, the catalog contained 7351 materials. Impressive.
  • You can add an article, advertisement or company.
  • It is possible to add not only an article, but also a website.
  • It is possible to place a maximum of four links per article: of which 2 are commercial and two are non-commercial
  •, 1 link allowed.
  • No more than 2 links, natural anchors. Registration by invite.

Which article guarantees success: characteristics

Are you thinking about how to post an article on a website and charm not only the moderator and search engines, but also the readers? Here are the characteristics of an ideal article that will appeal to all three.

  1. Informative content only. The moderator will pass the article without any problems, the user can mark it as useful and share it with friends. The search robot will notice this and will certainly appreciate it, giving you a number of bonuses that we talked about above.
  2. No crooked anchors! In no case should the article contain ‘buy Moscow office’ if you are engaged in . Only naturalness!
  3. Don't overdo it with optimization. No one will like a huge number of keys densely packed into an article.

By the way, we have a lot of articles about content and its creation: all sorts of tricks and a lot of practical advice with the history of my many years of practice. Yes, we were thinking about setting up a mailing list, but we haven’t had time yet. So what's most convenient

We invite you to publish an article in our pedagogical journal and receive publication documents for free! Certification of a teacher for a qualification category involves the creation of a pedagogical portfolio, which contains information about his achievements over a certain period of time. The teacher must fill the portfolio with documents confirming his competence: certificates and diplomas for participation in competitions, olympiads, certificates of publications in magazines and newspapers.

How to publish an article in a pedagogical journal for free?

The live journal Methodichka was created to help teachers with certification issues. As part of our scientific and methodological project, users are invited to post materials related to the education industry in the magazine and receive certificate of publication free . However, a number of requirements must be met.

Accepted for publication ONLY original materials (no copy-paste!): informational and methodological articles, scientific works (by students, teachers), compositions, essays, event scenarios, professional experience in teaching, class hours, pedagogical advice, various explanatory and informational publications, author’s work programs, etc.

Requirements for the content and design of the work

  1. The work must have a clear title;
  2. The work to be sent is attached to the information letter as a Microsoft Office Word text file;
  3. The author of the material provides the following information about himself and agrees that it will be posted on the page with the publication: full name (full name), position, place of work;
  4. The published material must be original (not downloaded from the Internet), neatly formatted (readable text, no extra spaces, manual hyphens, continuous hyphens).
  5. Each development is checked for plagiarism through the service. If more than 30% plagiarism is detected, the material is not published on the site.

We 100% WILL NOT PUBLISH: copy-paste (this is everything that you downloaded from other sites on the Internet), works without attribution, lesson notes, lesson maps, presentations, etc. at the discretion of the project administration.

Moderation (checking and publishing submitted works) on our project is carried out as quickly as possible, so a user can post an article and receive the coveted publication certificate for free in a few hours (depending on the workload of the administrators). The document about the publication of the article is sent to the user’s email only after the material is posted on the site.

An example of a certificate of publication (screenshot) is located on the right. The certificate template was made by professional designers: a beautiful, strict background goes well with the original fonts of the document. The certificate must indicate the full name of the teacher (abbreviated), the name of his development and the address where the materials will be posted in the journal - the URL of the website page. Due to the fact that standard URLs are quite long, the link shortening method is used; a short link is indicated in the document. Each document is marked with its series, as well as a unique number. In the certificate of publications in the magazine indicates the fact of the public examination of the submitted materials, the number and date of the protocol of the Methodological Council of the scientific and methodological project "", the signature and seal of the chief administrator of the Live Journal Methodichka is affixed.

Why is it worth paying attention to our magazine?

- Scientific and methodological project Live Journal Methodology - Your guide to the world of knowledge. We make the process of obtaining a certificate as easy as possible for you in the shortest possible time.
- Publishing articles with us is absolutely free! You can also receive a certificate of publication for free!
To be published in a pedagogical journal for free with us means to receive the most complete list of services in this area + gain a lot of positive emotions from working with professionals!
- The team of our magazine employs only professionals who can answer all questions that arise. Publishing pedagogical developments in our magazine is as easy as 1-2-3!

Our project is valued among colleagues for its friendly and polite communication with clients. If you decide to place your works with us, you will not be disappointed. We offer only the best services!