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Let's play: ways to move in World of Warcraft. How to move around the world faster (mini-guide to increasing riding speed) #4 Azure Water Strider

This transport will greatly help you in the Battle for Azeroth on Kul Tiras and Zandalar. Because there is a lot of water there, and you won’t be able to fly for a long time.
Azure Water Strider to help you! :)
You will see how to obtain a wonderful vehicle in the video and in the description there are brief instructions for quickly purchasing it.

Surface and ground transportation in World of Warcraft.
Almost very easy. :)
It can be purchased from Nat Pegle with a reputation for being "exalted" among anglers.
But gaining a reputation will take you from one to four weeks (about an hour a day).
First, you need to enable PVP mode in talents (it will give 10% to turnips).
Also, put an “asterisk” in the character’s reputation window against the faction (another additional % to growth).
Join a guild (also a bonus to faster exaltation).
Well, when you have respect, buy a “Special Mark of Recognition for Anglers” from Nat Pegle, which will speed up gaining reputation with Anglers by 100%.
All this gives bonuses to rapid growth.
And to get the reputation itself, you need to do the following daily:
3 dailies given by fishermen in the Krasarang jungle in the fishermen’s village (mostly they are in the same territory).
Catch 3 fish and give to Nat Pagle:
- one in the rivers - Flying tiger gourami in the Krasarang jungle
- second in the ocean/sea - Mimicking octopus in the Krasarang jungle
- third in the lakes - Male needleback at Kun-Lai Summit

p.s.: sometimes the fish is caught from a place other than the one described above, so look carefully at which one you caught so as not to suffer, as shown in the video (cut out and sped up there). :)

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Hi all! Mounts are perhaps the most popular collectible in World of Warcraft. Many players run around old raids in an attempt to get hold of some cool means of transportation. But there are already plenty of videos about beautiful vehicles, so I decided to talk to you about the benefits that mounts bring. Of course, with transport you can move from one place to another faster than on foot, and this is very useful (of course, if you are not some kind of avid roleplayer), but this is far from the only function of transport. I present to your attention a list of the five most useful mounts in WoW.

#5 Sandstone Dragon

This is a very cool mount - not only because it looks cool, but also because it turns the owner into a dragon and allows him to carry a passenger on his back. That is, in fact, this is a two-seater flying mount - it is suitable for transporting friends, those who have recently started playing and cannot fly, as well as those who are simply obscenely lazy. The Double Rocket and Nightwing rewards from the Refer-a-Friend promotion can serve the same purpose, but I included the Sandstone Dragon in this list because it can be obtained in-game without any additional action. The dragon is freely sold at auction, and the price is quite high - on my server it costs about 130 thousand! Of course, inflation is to blame for everything, because I remember how during WoD Sandstone dragons were sold for 30-40 thousand. If you don't want to spend gold, you can level up Alchemy and Archeology, and then dig up all of Uldum in the hope of finding the coveted canopic jar with the recipe for Vial of the Sands (the chance of finding a canopic jar is not very high, the chance of finding a recipe in a canopic jar is 2%). To make a Vial, you will need an Alchemy skill of 525, but this is not a problem, especially considering the modern mechanics of leveling up professions. What's really difficult is digging up the recipe, because digs in Uldum appear rarely, along with digs throughout Kalimdor. However, now it is already possible to exchange artifacts of other factions for artifacts of the Tol’vir, which somewhat simplifies the process, but it still takes a very, very long time. Personally, I spent more than one day getting the recipe - it was in Warlords of Draenor, and, as you understand, I still don’t have the recipe. I know even more persistent players who have been digging for several years with the same result. If you still want to try your luck, you can try it, but know that you probably won't like it.

#4 Azure Water Strider

Aquatic striders are extremely popular at the beginning of each new expansion, until the developers introduce flight into the game in new locations. Players use them to walk on water and quickly get to the right places without having to look for detours. On a long-legged horse, you can cross a river or lake and bypass the PvP zone in full confidence that no one will touch you... hmm, well, almost no one. Unlike the mount from the previous point, getting the Azure Water Strider is not difficult. To do this, just go to Pandaria and level up your reputation with the Fishers by completing three daily quests over the course of about three weeks. Once you achieve Exalted, you can buy a Strider for 5,000 gold. The tasks are for the most part incredibly simple and take no more than 10 minutes a day, the only difficulty is catching the right fish, so the prey is determined randomly... well, you understand. If you hate Pandaria and don’t want to return there on pain of death (which, in principle, is understandable), there is another way for you to level up your reputation. When traveling through time through the dungeons of Pandaria, you can purchase tokens with timeless signs on the Timeless Isle, which increase your reputation with the factions of the expansion without completing stupid tasks. Tokens are expensive, and to level up your reputation from Indifference to Exalted you will need a lot of them, so I would still recommend doing quests.

#3 Large yak for travel

This is a magnificent mount with a unique model, which has equally unique accompanying ones. One of them sells all sorts of goods and knows how to repair armor, and the second is engaged in transmogrification. I don’t know about you, but I personally like characters who look organic, so I always match their armor by color, give them some kind of huge ax or sword and stuff like that. When I get a new item that's out of the picture, the first thing I do is run to the transmogrifier. Well, I can’t fight in such an ugly form! But the Big Travel Yak saves me from despondency. I sit in the saddle and ride wherever I need to go, and on the way I select beautiful models. There are also plush cats on either side of the saddle - probably for those who swing alone and feel out of place. Large travel yak is sold by Uncle Nabeykarman at Kun-Lai Summit for 120 thousand gold. A little expensive, but if you have extra gold, why not buy it, especially if you plan to upgrade a new character who will receive new equipment like the wind and look like a real homeless person.

#2 Chopper with driver / Mechanocycle with driver

Frankly, I don't like this mount too much. Lately, it has become too easy to level up new characters, and with the advent of vehicles that can be used starting from the first level, there is nothing left of the old game at all. I remember rushing to the merchant with bated breath to buy my very first mount. I felt that I had achieved something, and that is why I soared in the skies. In the case of a mechanocycle, naturally, this does not happen. As far as I know, this type of transport is only available to experienced players who have already acquired several characters and an impressive collection of 35 heirloom items, but still, it seems to me that getting the first mount at level 20, paying just one gold coin for it, and It’s too simple, so why simplify it further? From the point of view of convenience, the mechanocycle is, of course, irreplaceable, because it allows you to move much faster than usual. Who wants to run around on foot with a huge bag on their shoulders when you can get into a taxi with a handsome orc in a tailcoat and get where you need to go without any problems? The driver will give you a ride if you suddenly want to play as an orc with a friend who has chosen a tauren, and you need to get from Durotar to Mulgore without spending half a day on it.

#1 Tundra mammoth traveler

It’s not for nothing that I put the mammoth in first place - I like him the most! I bought Mammoth a long time ago and have been using it ever since. It appeared in the game in the Wrath of the Lich King add-on and is intended for repairing and transporting friends (although for this you need to land merchants). The Traveler's Tundra Mammoth is similar to the Great Travel Yak, with the only difference being that it costs as much as 100 thousand less, so players buy it much more often. There is no transmogrifier on the mammoth, because this feature did not exist in Wrath of the Lich King, but there is a merchant who is so convenient to push garbage out of bags! An excellent budget option for those who find buying a yak a waste. The repairman will save you time when completing tasks or going through dungeons, in which heroes often die and cannot fight further due to broken equipment and cannot or do not want to teleport to the city. In short, as you already understand, I am crazy about this mammoth and recommend it to everyone. It is incredibly useful, especially considering the price - only 20 thousand! At present, this amount can be earned in a couple of days. Mammoth can be purchased from Mei Franquis in Dalaran. Look at her! She simply glows with happiness in anticipation of all the money you will bring her by watching my video.

What can a player who has just begun his journey in the world dream about? World of Warcraft? When all the quests are still new, each location makes you blink in surprise, and the global map terrifies you with the amount of unexplored territories? So, the first dream is usually to acquire your own horse (more precisely, a mount, or mount).

What can a level 60 player dream of, who has long known all the delights of the game, is dressed to the max, and knows Azeroth so much that he can travel through it from end to end with his eyes closed? Before release The Burning Crusade such a player dreamed that the addon would someday come out. Now such gamers, just like beginners, are exploring new territories, running headlong through fresh quests and... want to purchase flying mount.

No matter how far apart a newcomer and an old-timer of WoW may be, they will definitely agree on one thing: it’s somehow very sad to conquer the vast territories of the game on your own two feet. Mounts, a public transport system, return stones, teleports and a challenge... Today we will try to summarize everything that can help novice players get their loved one from point A to point B with the greatest comfort, and their more experienced brethren - discover a few curious and not the most obvious facts about the WoW menagerie and logistics.

Fly airplanes...

As in the real world, all transport in the game is divided into two large categories: public and private. And no matter how much you love your horse, in order to move from one continent to another, you will have to use a ship (by sea) or a zeppelin (by air). This transport is free, in addition, it does not require opening destinations, so anyone can use it. The only negative is that the boats (both sea and air) run strictly on schedule and sometimes you have to wait for them. However, there are no traffic jams or drunk drivers here, so the interval of five minutes is maintained very strictly.

Each continent also has its own travel system: every city and many villages have “flight points”. But in order to use them, you need, firstly, to know the place where you are flying (that is, you will first have to run around the world and discover all these “migrants”), and secondly, to pay the carrier. The Horde uses bats and wyverns as air taxis, while the Alliance uses hippogriffs and griffins. Accordingly, opposing factions cannot fly each other's air routes; in any neutral city there will always be two flight masters, one each for the Horde and the Alliance. By the way, let’s immediately note that when a PvP raid takes place on a town of the opposite faction, one of the main achievements is the murder of the local flight master.

Public transport in WoW is convenient, very fast and inexpensive: even traveling from end to end across the Outer Lands will cost less than half a gold piece, which is mere pennies for a player who has reached the level required for these lands. On the other hand, there is something to criticize the transport system for: let’s say you can’t (as in the same EverQuest 2 and some other games) jump off the bird exactly to the point you need; In addition, there is virtually no teleport system (excluding Shattrath City in the Outlands).

The only teleport available to everyone is the so-called “return stone”, which can be “tied” to a tavern in the selected town, so that it becomes possible to instantly move from anywhere in the game to this very city once an hour.

It is not surprising that virtually all classes in the game are jealous of magicians, who can open teleports to friendly capitals at their own request (plus everything to the same Shattrath City). Mages, in turn, envy warlocks, who can summon any party member with the help of two players.

Players have long tried to come up with ways to quickly jump from one location to another, and Blizzard both helped and hindered them. On the one hand, the game is drawn so beautifully and with such taste (let’s once again bow to Blizzard Vice President of Game Design Rob Pardo!) that during a ten-minute flight through it, turning the camera and looking around is a pleasure. But on the other hand, sometimes (in particular, when you are late to buy some mega-needed item from an auction) there is no time to admire the beauty - I wish I could get there faster.

Cunning players have long learned to use some of the game’s features, let’s say, not entirely for their intended purpose. For example, you need to quickly jump to the capital, and the standard methods are either too slow or unavailable (“the stone of return” is recharging or is assigned to another city, and there is no mage in the party). In this case, you can ask any person you know (or even stranger) who is in the desired city to take you into the group and put you in line for the battleground. The invitation usually comes within a few seconds, after which we leave the arena and find ourselves... where the leader put you, that is, in the capital.

Another method appeared relatively recently, when the system for finding a group in an instance was supplemented with the ability to drag any party member to this instance. You will have to find two people located in the desired location, ask them to approach the summoning stone near any local cave - and instant teleport is guaranteed. Another thing is that searching for these two and negotiating regarding your requests may take more time than if you gave up on everything and went on your own.

Before the addon was released, the game world was one. It was called Azeroth(Azeroth) and was divided into two large continents - Kalimdor And Eastern Kingdoms. With the release of the addon, there were two worlds - added Outlands, or Outer Lands. Strictly speaking, the Outer Lands is not a whole world, but just a piece of the broken planet Draenor, the historical homeland of orcs, draenei and some other races. The standard way to move between worlds is the Dark Portal ( Dark Portal, located in the Blasted Lands location, coordinates 57,55).

Getting to the Outer Lands through a portal is not very convenient, but getting out of there to “civilized” places is very easy: in the city Shattrath City(location Terrokar Forest, coordinates 30, 23) there are portals to all world capitals. Thus, when exploring the Outer Lands, it is most advantageous to tie the “stone of return” to this particular city - this way you will always have the opportunity to quickly jump to another world, and, if necessary, immediately return “to your homeland.” True, the stone is recharged for an entire hour in real time and this imposes some restrictions.

Ferrari, Jaguar, Cadillac and others

Public transport and instant travel are needed exclusively to quickly cover long distances, but when it comes to traveling across a specific territory, local methods of speeding up movement come to the fore.

First of all, let's note that some classes in the game have their own acceleration bonuses. The same robber can sprint for a short while, and the magician can jump forward a couple of tens of meters. The druids were most fortunate: in the form of a beast, they could already run much faster than other characters, and with the release of The Burning Crusade they also received a “flying form” and now proudly float around the world of the game, looking down on others born to crawl.

But with all this, nothing in the game can compare with your own mount. The rogue is not trained to run for a long time, the mage cannot often use his jump, and the Druid's flying form, of course, looks good and helps to overcome obstacles that are impassable for other players, but it does not give such a big increase in speed.

Beginner players should immediately remember a few simple things. Each race has its own signature mount. For example, people ride horses, orcs ride wolves, trolls ride raptors, blood elves ride haukstriders (sort of fighting ostriches with absolutely acidic colors), and so on. All creatures are divided into ordinary (give a 60% increase in speed) and elite (give 100% speed and look much more impressive).

Swift Zulian Tiger

Before the release of The Burning Crusade, the game only had ground mounts, but now flying ones have appeared. There are only two types of them - griffin for all races of the Alliance, windrider - for the Horde. They are divided in the same way into ordinary and elite, however, with a very significant difference in speed: an ordinary flying mount gives an increase of 60%, but an elite one - already 280%. In fact, this means that the player can get his own bird, which is quite capable of competing with the local “public transport”. But, alas and ah, you can only fly on griffins and windriders in the Outer Lands - these animals categorically do not want to move to the world of Azeroth.

A player can acquire the first mount in his life at level 40, at level 60 he has the opportunity to ride an epic beast, and at level 70 he can get his hands on a winged one. Prices for mounts are quite steep; omitting the details, let's say that the minimum that an ordinary horse will cost you is a little less than 100 gold, and the maximum (for a flying epic) is about 5000. There are two classes of lucky people in the game who receive their mounts virtually for free - paladins and warlocks. True, at level 60 they have to go through a very difficult quest for the sake of an epic horse, but they can rightfully boast of a completely special mount, unlike others.

Qiraji Battle Tank

However, other classes are also unlikely to feel very deprived. In WoW, in addition to the usual mountable creatures, there are also a sufficient number of rare specimens, however, you need to hunt for them very diligently. But what can’t you do if you want to stand out from the crowd of your own kind? Here are the most striking examples.

Deathcharger. Even before joining The Burning Crusade, many players managed to run into the Stratholme instance until they were completely stupefied, trying to take away his signature horse from Baron Rivendare. And what kind of speculation there was about the chance of it falling out! It was believed that the horse falls only when the entire party consists of players with the Exalted reputation in Undercity and that the Baron must be beaten in a strictly defined way. In general, dances with a tambourine around this boss took place almost every day, but the site’s dry statistics Thottbot. Com indicates that the chance of dropping a Rivendale horse is 0.1%. It seems that if there are any ways to increase this chance, the players have not yet found them. In terms of exterior and riding qualities, this horse is almost no different from the epic mount of the Undead.

Swift Zulian Tiger. A very stylish tiger that can be found in the Zul’Gurub raid instance (the boss codenamed Tiger, real name High Priest Thekal). At one time, the sixties were ready to give hundreds of dkp for the possession of this mount (read more about the dkp system in the article “ How to dress yourself in World of Warcraft"in the last issue of "Gambling"). The chance of its dropping is still the same unfortunate 0.1%; in appearance and in essence, this tiger is similar to the epic elf mount, but in a unique coloring.

In the same Zul’Gurub you can get another interesting beast - Swift Razzashi Raptor, which is a kind of original version of the epic troll mount (drop from the Bloodlord Mandokir boss, chance about 0.6%). However, the raptor as a mount is not very comfortable - it has a very specific, somewhat jerky run, and after the smooth running of other animals, riding a raptor, no matter how sophisticated it may be, can become not a pleasure, but a complete headache.

Qiraji Battle Tank. A unique mount (or rather, an insect) that can be used exclusively in the Temple of Ahn"Qiraj instance. It can be obtained in the instance or given as a reward for a quest. Some sites have a long (and insanely complex) chain of quests that need to be completed , so that you can use this mount anywhere in the game, but there is not a word on the official WoW website that such a possibility exists at all.

Riding Turtle. This is not a mount, but just a bonus for fun. This turtle adds exactly zero speed and is given as a reward to those who use the WoW Trading Card.

Swift Nether Drake

Swift Nether Drake. Hats off, gentlemen. Here is the most powerful and rarest WoW mount. At the time of writing this article, there were no owners of these dragons in the game at all, on any server. The thing is that this flying monster is given as a reward to each member of the team that, at the end of the season, turns out to be the best in the arena. Basically, it's an incredibly beautiful jet that increases speed by 310%. Players are already debating whether such a beast will be offered as a reward for increasing reputation with the Netherwing group, but Blizzard has so far maintained a significant silence. Most likely, even if such an opportunity is provided, it will appear no sooner than when a couple of hundred similar animals appear on each server, earned with sweat and blood in PvP battles.

If you want to get a mount that is very different from your four-legged (or winged) friend, consider the following. A representative of any race can ride a mount given as a reward for a quest or obtained as a drop. But in order to ride a purchased unusual horse (these are also found in nature, although quite rarely) or a mount of another race, you will have to learn the corresponding skill. And it is impossible to learn it otherwise than by gaining Exalted reputation with his “native” race (we have already written in detail about the reputation system).

For example, there is such a unique mount as Winterspring Frostsaber- a snow-white tiger, which any representative of the Alliance can buy in Winterspring. But only elves, for whom riding a tiger is their own riding skill, will be able to ride it right away. Dwarves, humans and other draenei risk dooming themselves to a couple of months of grueling reputation upgrades also with the capital of the elves.

Nevertheless, on any server there are a sufficient number of players showing off unique “non-native” animals. Sometimes this is the result of daily trips to instances, sometimes it is a reward for endless farming, sometimes it is an indicator that a person is starting to invest not only his time in the game, but also quite real money. And sometimes it’s just luck and the ability to be in the right place at the right time.

Winterspring Frostsaber

Do you know that...
  • Between the two capitals of the Alliance - Stormwind and Ironforge - there is a railway, essentially a subway.
  • Initially, it was impossible to specify the final destination of the flight in the game and all transfers had to be done “manually”.
  • Blizzard introduced a system for marking interconnected flight points after they saw it in one of their homemade addons, but they never connected the calculation of flight times.
  • There are a huge number of cheats and cunning tricks that allow you to speed up your character - both a standard speedhack and more exotic methods such as throwing a snowball after a flying griffin. But if you will probably be banned for speedhack, then the snowball was there for a long time until it was covered by one of the patches.
  • Birds used to move between cities are never attacked, while you can easily be shot down from your own flying mount.
  • You can't ride a mount on Zeppelins, but there are a few blind spots where this restriction doesn't apply.
  • The most expensive way to get out of some point very far from civilization, used only in critical situations (when there is a lack of time), is to die and be reborn in a cemetery. Some players learned to bypass the revival fee system, for which they were severely punished by Blizzard with a lifetime ban.
  • The official Blizzard website has interactive maps that indicate all travel routes for the Alliance and Horde (

* * *

If before the release of The Burning Crusade in the “garage” of a medium-packed high-level player one could find two, less often, three mounts (your own epic, a mount from the battleground, sometimes a “Rivendale horse” or a “Kurai battle tank”), now everyone who wants enjoy hi-end content to the maximum, can complement the collection with a flying mount, the “battle goat of Nagrand” (yes, yes, there are such things) and quietly dream about that same dragon.

Surprisingly, Blizzard seems to know some terrible secret that makes players dream about mounts no less than about purchasing a luxury foreign car. And therefore, players often forgive them for the not-so-convenient transport network, the lack of teleports, and turn a blind eye to the ship that has just left from under their noses. They know that at any moment they can mount a horse (or not quite a horse) - and the world will fall under their feet. Even the restriction on the use of flying mounts only in the Outer Lands does not stop them from spending exorbitant sums on purchases. Why? Blizzard knows. But they will never say, because this is one of the issues worth hundreds of millions of dollars and almost 10 million players.

As you know, the world of Azeroth and Outland is large (and if you don’t have a fast ground or flying horse, then it’s very large:), and the path to the place of the next quest when leveling up often seems long. Enchantments and accessories available in the game will help you reduce travel time. Unfortunately, their effects stop working when the player reaches level 71.

In addition to items, the speed of movement on horseback can be increased through class talents. Class talents do not stack with bonuses from things and items, so if you are leveling up a retro paladin, hunter-beastmaster or unholy death knight, you can go straight to reading the second part of the guide. If you are leveling up a holi or a proto-paladin, take a look at the second part of the guide after reaching level 62. Class talents continue to work after reaching level 71.

1. Enchantments and items that increase riding speed.

The riding equipment set at level 20 includes enchanted gloves and shoes with spurs; after level 40, carrots are added to them. The effect of all these things adds up.
Spending time and money on getting accessories from Outland is, in my opinion, not worth it (unless you decide to stop the experience at level 70).

Enchanted clothing and accessories are best used in conjunction with one of the auto-dressing addons, which will automatically equip you with riding gear when you're on horseback and remove it when you dismount.
Important: if you enter battle while on a mount, the addon will not work (you cannot change equipment in battle), and you will be forced to fight in riding gear.

Can be applied to gloves of any level.

Increases mounted movement speed by 2%, no longer active after level 70.
The formula for this enchantment is a rare trophy that drops from Azuregos and Ysera's dragons. At the same time, the ingredients for enchantments are quite cheap, so if you are lucky enough to find an enchanter who knows them, make a few scrolls in reserve.

Can be applied to shoes of any level.

Increases mounted movement speed by 4%, no longer active after level 70.
Spur Blueprint is a rare loot from any level 38-60 mob in Azeroth.


Increases mounted movement speed by 3%, no longer active after level 70.
Reward for completing the quest in Zul'Farrak.
The quest chain starts in Ironforge. To start the chain you need level 40.


Made by tanners. Requires level 69 to use.
The pattern for the whip is sold by the merchant Thomas Jans in the Old Hillsbrad Foothills dungeon.


Increases the speed of movement on horseback by 10%, does not work after level 70.
Reward for completing the Dragonmaw Race quest chain in Shadowmoon Valley. To start the chain, you need level 70, as well as respect from the Netherwings faction.

2. Class abilities, skills and talents.


Increases movement speed while mounted by 15%, does not stack with other speed increasing effects.

3rd line talent from the “Retribution” specialization, 2 points. Can be obtained at levels 20 and 21.

Applies to all group/raid members within a radius of 40 meters. When using an additional spell, increases the speed of movement on horseback by 40% for 6 seconds.
Can be learned from a trainer at level 62.


Increases mounted movement speed by 10%, does not stack with other movement speed effects.

3rd line talent from the “Beastmaster” specialization, 2 points. Can be obtained at levels 20 and 21.

Death Knight

Increases mounted movement speed by 20%, does not stack with other speed increasing effects.

Talent 4 lines from the “Unholy” specialization, 2 points. Can be obtained in the process of completing the starting chain of quests for the death knights.

An official article from Blizzard from the new series "Welcome to World of Warcraft", which will help beginners clean up their heads just as effectively as the Tverskaya beauty salon cleans up their heads. In this article, you will learn how to move and fight in WOW, of course, if you have not already run away to the carsota salon:

Go ahead and sing!

Let's start with the basics. Before you can embark on an adventure in World of Warcraft, you need to understand how a character moves. Luckily, it's very easy, but it can take a while to get used to if you're not familiar with first/third person games.

The main keys responsible for movement are W, A, S, And D You will find a similar combination used in many games. Press W to go forward and S to move backward; keys A And D are responsible for turning left and right respectively. It would be a good idea to practice with your left hand on these keys and your right hand on the mouse.

Once you understand these functions, try using the mouse. By holding down the right mouse button, you can change the angle and position of the camera. Still holding the right mouse button, click W or left mouse button to make the character move forward. At the same time, you can move the mouse and change the direction of the character's movement. It's much faster than using keys A And D D for turn. By holding down the right mouse button, you can also move sideways to the left or right using the keys A or D. You can also move forward without using the keyboard, but simply by holding the right and left mouse buttons.

That, in fact, is all!

How do you know where to go?

Now you know how to move, so it's time to learn how to find the right path. Let's discuss one important game element.

By default, you can open the map by simply pressing a key M on keyboard. A small silver arrow indicates where your character is, and its point is directed towards where he is looking. Already discovered areas will appear on the map in more detail and vividly, while unexplored lands will be paler.

Most likely, the first time you look at the map is while in an open area. In large cities, dungeons, caves and some other places, only one area will be displayed on the map. You can also use the menu at the top of the map to zoom in and look at other lands. You can close the map by pressing the key again M or by clicking the icon X in the upper right corner. You can also click the arrow icon to zoom out on the map. This will make it easier for you to navigate, because sometimes you can’t get by with just a minimap. By the way, it’s time to clarify what it is.


The minimap complements the main map and is constantly displayed in the upper right corner of the screen. Your location is also shown on it with a silver arrow, but the minimap only shows the area in the immediate vicinity of the character. The name of the area you are in is in the title at the top (in case someone asks where you are). If you receive a letter in the game, an envelope icon will appear on the right.

You can change the scale of the minimap using symbols + And - . By clicking the magnifying glass on the left, you can choose which important legends appear on the minimap. This feature is very useful if you need to find a place in the city or find out the location of resources needed to raise the level of a skill. Finally, there are arrows on the minimap that indicate the direction for the objectives of the tasks or (if luck turns against you) the character's corpse.

*Visit the How to Play page. See the Beginner's Guide to learn more about user interface (UI).

Death is not the end

If you die in combat in World of Warcraft, your spirit leaves your body and can be reborn in the nearest graveyard. You can resurrect your character there, but it's much better to return to your body. A red arrow will appear on the minimap indicating the path to it. When you get close enough, the Resurrect button will appear. You will come back to life in the same place where your ghost was, so it is better to choose a position where you will not be attacked by opponents (or be prepared to run fast and far). By clicking this button, you will come to life, retaining some of your health and all your equipment. It's time to heal and bandage your wounds, and then go back to battle! By the way…

Ready? To battle!

Combat is an integral part of life in Azeroth (and not only in Azeroth), so it is absolutely necessary to know how to deal with the powerful opponents that you will meet along the way.

Target selection

To begin dealing with the enemy, you must first select him as a target. Hover your mouse over the enemy you want to attack and left-click on them. You can also right-click it to use an auto attack (we'll talk about that a little later). You can switch between nearby targets using the key Tab.

When you target a creature, its portrait will appear next to yours in the upper left corner of the screen. The names of hostile creatures are highlighted in red, which means they will attack you if you get too close to them. The names of neutral characters are highlighted in yellow and will not touch you unless you attack first (but not everyone can be attacked).


Your character can attack opponents in a variety of ways. All characters can use a basic attack - usually a simple melee strike that the character will perform if he is close enough to the selected target and if the auto attack function is turned on. Auto attack is more important for characters who fight with weapons than for classes that hit targets with spells.

In addition, your character has a large set of abilities and spells that need to be specifically activated. They appear in the Quick Access Toolbar (it's the long row of icons at the bottom of the screen). The amount of damage dealt depends on them, so you need to know how and when to use them in order to win a quick victory over opponents.

*Advice for advanced players: Once you've learned how to use your class's abilities, it's worth checking out the appropriate forum section on to see what effective methods other players have discovered to use them.

You can find out what a particular ability allows you to do by hovering your mouse over the desired icon. To use an ability, simply press the number key corresponding to its slot number on the quick access panel, or left-click it. Many players believe that hard-to-find icons should be assigned to specific keys on the keyboard. This allows you to use the necessary abilities much faster. To assign a key to an ability, open the game menu (Escape button) and select "Key Assignments".

*Tip for advanced players: Experienced players can combine different abilities using special macros. This allows you to consistently use certain abilities depending on certain conditions. To learn more about how to assign keys and use macros, as well as more information about the interface's capabilities, you should visit the Interface and Macros forum section on


Some classes in World of Warcraft can not only deal damage, but also heal other players, restore health, and even resurrect dead comrades (the color of the name above such a character will be green). Healing in its mechanics is not much different from combat, you just will need to choose not an enemy as a target, but an ally or a group member. As soon as you select an ally, you can restore his health by using the appropriate ability. If a hostile creature is chosen as the target, or there is no target at all, then casting available spells will restore the health of your own character. To resurrect a dead ally, you need to select their body as a target, and then use the appropriate ability (if you have learned it).

Ready? Go!

Now that you've learned the basics of the game, it's time to go on an adventure. Be sure to read the other articles in this series to learn more about World of Warcraft.

You can also take part in the discussion in the Newbie Help and Guides section of the forum.