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How to remove format protection from a flash drive. How to remove write protection from a disk, SD card or USB flash drive

The era of floppy disks is long gone, but sometimes when trying to write to a flash drive, the user may encounter a situation known since the days of using floppy media - it is blocked and cannot be used.

We will look at how to solve this problem in detail in our article today.

So, you need to write some information to a flash drive, you insert it and receive a message like “The disk is write-protected, remove the protection or use another one.”

This problem can be solved quite quickly, and we will talk about this a little later, but now we should say a few words about the purpose of installing protection from downloading on .

Note! This operation is performed for only one purpose - which can spontaneously be copied to removable media without the user’s knowledge.

Methods for removing write protection from a flash drive

There are 2 key ways to remove protection from a flash drive: hardware and software.

The hardware solution is to install a lock switch, which is present in some drive models, as well as SD cards.

Most often, the toggle switch is located on the side edge of the drive.

Carefully inspect your existing drive and look for an open/closed lock icon or the word Lock on it.

Note! Removing the lock is very simple - just move the lock lever in the opposite direction. That's all. Insert the media into the appropriate slot and repeat the file writing operation again.

The software solution involves the interaction of a flash drive controller, which is responsible for the ability to record information.

You can remove write protection using this method using the command line of the Registry Editor or Local Group Policy.

Learn more about all of the above methods.

Removing protection using regedit

1. Click “Start” and enter - in the search field. Right-click (RMB) on the program and in the context menu go to the “Run as administrator” item.

2. Go to the StorageDevicePolicies section:


Important! Important! If there is no such thing, you will have to create it. To do this, click on the section Control - New - Section. We call it “StorageDevicePolicies” without quotes. If there is no such section, you need to create it.

Create (RMB in the right column of the registry) a DWORD parameter (32 bits) in the created branch. For convenience, let's call the element WriteProtect.

3. Make sure that the WriteProtect value is 0. Right-click on WriteProtect and select “Change”. If the value is “1” you need to change it to “0” and click “Ok”.

4. Close the registry editor, remove the media and restart the computer. Insert the flash drive. Now the flash drive works as usual, allowing you to write files.

Removing protection using Diskpart

If we were unable to unlock using regedit, let's try to do it using the Diskpart command interpreter, which allows you to manage the commands that the user enters into the command line when working with partitions and disks.

1. “Start”, enter the name - cmd - in the search field. Right-click in the program and select “Run as administrator” in the context menu.

2. Now you should enter the commands: diskpart and list disk, and after entering each of them, press the Enter key.

3. In the list above, determine what serial number in the name the flash drive has.

This can be done based on the specified size, in our case an 8 GB flash drive, presented in the table as “Disk 1” with a capacity of 7441 MB.

4. Select the disk with the “select” command, clear the attributes that allow only reading “attributes disk clear readonly”.

If, you should enter the following commands: “clean”, create a partition “create partition primary”, format it in NTFS “format fs = ntfs” or FAT “format fs = fat”.

Removing protection using the Local Group Policy Editor

1. Open it by pressing the Win + R key combination, after which you should enter the command gpedit.msc and press “OK” or Enter.

The development of storage media has led to the emergence of write protection functions. When you turn it on, it will be impossible to write any information to the flash drive. If you encounter a similar problem, then you need to disable the write ban. This can be done in hardware, through standard Windows functions, or through specialized software. Each of these methods will be discussed below.

Hardware button

For the convenience of users, some manufacturers include a write prohibit switch on the body of the gadget. Carefully examine the flash drive for the presence of a small switch. Next to it there may be closed and open lock icons or the word Lock. If you find a toggle switch, simply switch it to the opposite state, and then try to insert the drive into the computer again. Writing must be enabled.

Blocking by system processes

In rare cases, a record is blocked due to individual system or user processes. If you know which user process is blocking the flash drive, you can disable it through the Task Manager. It is strongly not recommended to terminate system processes, as operating system files may be damaged. In this case, we recommend performing a safe removal and rebooting the system. If the problem with the recording restriction is not resolved, move on to other solutions.

Via command line

A fairly quick and functional method to remove the ban on writing data is to use the command line. It may seem complicated to some users, but if you strictly follow the sequence, you will achieve the desired result. The user needs to enable the command line console (by typing cmd in the Run field). After that, follow the steps of the following instructions:

The method allows you to remove protection even without a hardware button. Please note that using the console you can format a flash drive that is write-protected, but all data will be permanently deleted. For the system utility to work correctly, run cmd as an administrator.

Through the Windows Group Policy Editor

If the previous method seems too complicated or the console does not start for some reason, try using the Windows Group Policy Editor. This editor is a special section of the operating system that changes access settings for various objects. To unlock the flash drive, you need to do the following:

This method is more understandable, as it allows you to deactivate the lock via the standard Windows interface. However, it is not always effective; accordingly, in some cases it is not possible to remove the restriction on writing files for a specific flash drive.

Using the Registry

Many operating system problems can be resolved by changing certain settings in the system registry. Only experienced users can work with it, and according to clear instructions, since there is a high risk of damaging OS system files through the registry. To remove the write ban on a flash card, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Run window (+R) and then type regedit. It starts editing the registry.
  2. Next, you need to go to a specific subdirectory. “Expand” folders to the following path.
  3. Next, find the WriteProtect parameter on the right side of the editor window. If it is equal to 1, then you need to double-click on the line with the mouse, and then replace the current one with zero. Save the settings and restart the system. The defense must disappear.
  4. If there is neither a directory nor a control, then you need to create it yourself. In the Control folder, right-click on the name and click create partition. Name it StorageDevicePolicies.
  5. Create a WriteProtect binary parameter. Specify the DWORD type (on 64-bit systems, you may need to specify the WORD type to work). Set it to 0. Restart the system.

When creating a directory or setting, be sure to ensure that it has the correct path in the registry, as shown in the screenshot above.

Via Total Commander

A specialized file manager will help you remove write protection. One of the most effective programs is Total Commander. It's free and easy to find online. This software takes up little space on your hard drive. "Total Commander" can remove a restriction from a specific file or directory:

A quick and simple method, but it does not always lead to the desired result, even if you run the program as an administrator.

If this does not help, then try opening the “Configuration” section in Total Commander, the “Settings” subsection -> “File Operations”. After this, select the “Automatic selection of copy method” item.

Formatting a flash drive

In some cases, a ban on copying may be caused by failures in the file system of the flash drive itself. There is only one solution - formatting. This is an extreme option when all other methods have proven ineffective. Don't forget to copy important data from the drive first. To start the formatting process, right-click on the flash drive icon in Explorer and select “Format”.

Virus check

There is a huge amount of malware out there. Some viruses steal or encrypt files, others may prevent data from being written to a flash drive. We recommend using an antivirus to scan for unwanted programs. You can use a desktop antivirus (Eset, NOD32, Kaspersky or any other). Effective software can be called the development from Doctor Web (Dr.Web CureIt utility). It's portable, so be sure to load it directly onto your flash drive.

You can download the software for free from the official website. After that, launch Cureit and follow these steps:

The utility will begin scanning the entire flash drive. The duration of the process depends on the number of files on the drive. Please note that when a new version of the utility is released, the old one becomes inoperative. If the continue button in CureIt is not lit, this means that you need to download the current version of the software from the official website.

Using third party programs

Problems with information drives are quite common. Many large companies and third-party developers have created specialized software that helps with formatting, allowing recording, and much more. Below is a list of the most popular utilities that are used to work with flash drives.

JetFlash Recovery Tool

The software is mainly intended for repairing and restoring drives from Transcend and A-Data, but is also perfectly compatible with other flash drives. The standard functionality also includes a menu for removing the recording ban. Also, using JetFlash Recovery Tool, you can start formatting with preliminary saving of data, fix file system failures and much more.

The software can be downloaded from the official website. Please note that if you use USB 3.0 standard connectors on your computer, the program may not see the flash drive. To do this, change the drive to USB 2.0.

Apacer Repair

The software is compatible only with Apacer brand products. You can download the program from the company's official website. The software has quite advanced functionality and can deactivate the ban on writing files. The disadvantage is that the program is entirely in English, and some words are highly specialized. It is strongly recommended not to use it without knowledge of a foreign language.

Kingston Format Utility

The Kingston company is known for the production of flash drives and SSD drives, so the brand has developed its own proprietary software. With its help you can work with products from the DTX 30 model (up to USB Datatraveler HyperX devices). The software weighs less than one megabyte and can be downloaded for free from the official website.

The downside is its limited functionality, since Kingston Format Utility, as its name suggests, can only format the drive. To do this, there are only two lines in the program menu: selecting a flash drive and file system type. After this, you just need to click the Format button. The data will be permanently deleted.

USB Flash Drive Recovery

Specialized software in English for flash drive recovery from Silicon Power. There is no specific function for removing the recording restriction, but the recovery procedure can get rid of the failures and errors that caused the ban. One of the main advantages is that all steps occur automatically, from scanning the drive to recovery. All you have to do is watch the process. Additional features include formatting.


Another highly targeted software that is designed for Alcor storage media. Using the program, you can remove protection, restore functionality and reflash the controller. The user will also be able to create their own protected sections. The software is in English, but requires various settings that depend on the specific flash drive. If you have a model from Alcor, we recommend that you try universal programs first, and after a negative result, move on to this software.

Other Possible Problems

Please note that the problem is not always software. There are a huge number of Chinese-made flash drives, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. Such “fakes” are extremely unstable during operation and, accordingly, may prohibit recording information. There is also a chance of failure due to physical damage:

  • exposure to high temperatures and controller overheating;
  • input voltage surges;
  • falling or falling into water;
  • exhaustion of all write-read cycles.

The FAT32 file system, which is found on many flash drives, does not support files larger than 4 gigabytes. Accordingly, if you want to download a 5 GB movie onto a storage device, the recording will not be available. There are several options: download a file smaller than 4 GB or split it into several smaller ones.

Rare problems with the USB input itself. A loose contact can result in an unstable connection. We recommend trying to insert the flash drive into a different USB port. Also remember that specific USB ports may simply be disabled by hardware or software. You can enable them in Device Manager, through the registry or BIOS.

Although optical discs are still in demand, there is no longer any talk about the popularity of this type of media. Today they have almost been replaced by portable flash drives or simply flash drives. These small devices are versatile, reliable, and capable of storing large amounts of information for long periods of time. And yet, despite their reliability and resistance to physical damage, flash drives, like all devices, can eventually begin to malfunction.

One of these errors, and, by the way, very common, is the spontaneous activation of write protection. It manifests itself in the fact that when you try to write or delete a file from the media, the system displays the message “The disk is write-protected.” It also happens that a flash drive is not formatted using Windows, but usually this happens in more complex situations. However, the problem is not so insoluble, and today we will look at the main ways to eliminate it.

Why does the “Disk is write protected” error appear?

The reasons for the occurrence of the malfunction described above may be different, but, as a rule, they are all associated with either a failure in the configuration of Windows settings, or with the failure of the device’s flash memory, or with damage to the file system. Hardware failures and failures in the microcontroller cannot be ruled out. It often happens that the user himself blocks the device by switching a special hardware toggle switch, but this only applies to those flash drives that are equipped with a similar mechanism.

Drive blocking can also be caused by lack of free space on the disk, viruses, natural wear and tear of flash memory (the device is switched to read-only mode), incorrect formatting, removal from the USB connector while data is being written, thermal and electrical effects, getting inside moisture, removal or damage of the corresponding driver, the appearance of a large number of bad sectors, and less often, changing the file system after using a flash drive on devices with a different operating system. So, how can you remove protection from a flash drive that you can’t write data to?

Removing protection from a flash drive using hardware

Some flash drive manufacturers equip the drives with a small mechanical switch that allows you to enable or disable write protection. If your device has a similar toggle switch, make sure it is set to the UnLock position (towards the open padlock icon).

Insert the flash drive into the USB port and try to write something on it. If you suspect that the switch is broken, do not disassemble the device, but rather take it to a service center.

How to remove protection using Registry Editor

If write protection is not related to hardware problems, you can try to remove it through the registry. The fact is that a parameter may be set in the registry that prohibits making changes to the file system of the drive. Click on your keyboard Win+R, enter the command regedit and press enter.

Expand the following branch in the left column of the editor that opens:


Now see if there is an option in the right column of the editor WriteProtect. If it is present and its value is 1, then you have found the reason why the flash drive is write-protected. Double-click on the parameter line with the mouse and change the current value from 1 to 0. Save the settings, restart the computer and check the result.

Attention, it is likely that you will not have some element of the path indicated above. In this case, it must be created manually. Let's say there is no StorageDevicePolicies directory. Right-click on the previous subsection and select “New” → “Section” from the menu.

Naturally, you will also need to create a WriteProtect parameter. It must be of type DWORD, but can also be QWORD on 64-bit systems.

Using the Command Line

We've figured out how to remove write protection from a flash drive through the registry, let's look at another method - using the built-in console utility Diskpart. After connecting the USB flash drive to the computer, open a command prompt as administrator and run the following commands:

list disk
select disk N(where N is the serial number of the flash drive)
attributes disk clear readonly

The first command launches the Diskpart utility, the second displays a list of all disks connected to the computer.

With the third command we select the serial number of the removable media, with the fourth we remove write protection from it. The fifth command terminates the Diskpart utility.

This tool can also be used to format a write-protected flash drive, but this is when the files on it are not valuable. In this case, after the fourth step, you should run the following commands:

create partition primary
format fs=ntfs

Unlocking a flash drive through local group policy

Another way to remove write protection involves using the Local Group Policy Editor. By pressing Win+R call the “Run” window, enter into it gpedit.msc and press enter.

In the left column of the editor, follow the path Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates → System → Access to Removable Storage Devices.

Now in the right column, find the “Removable drives: Deny read” option, double-click on it and make sure that the radio button in the settings window that opens is set to “Disabled” (the default should be “Not set”).

Utilities from popular manufacturers to remove protection

In some cases, it is not possible to remove protection from a USB flash drive using the system alone. In this case, it is often not only impossible to write anything to the media, but when formatting a flash drive, Windows writes that the disk is write-protected. In such situations, special utilities can be of great help. It is important, however, to understand that most of these programs completely format the drive during the unlocking process, so you should take care of creating a backup copy of all files on it in advance.

JetFlash Recovery Tool is one of the most popular flash drive recovery utilities. It is intended mainly for repairing Transcend and A-Data flash drives, but can also work with other types of media. The utility supports removing write protection, restoring from the RAW file system, formatting with preliminary saving of data, and correcting file system damage. The program can be used even in cases where the flash drive is not recognized by the system at all.

A utility for restoring flash drives based on Alcor microcontrollers. Like the previous tool, it allows you to remove write protection, as well as restore normal operation of the device. The utility supports the creation of protected partitions on the disk, flashing the controller and analyzing flash memory. Unfortunately, support for the utility has been discontinued by the developer, however, it continues to be successfully used to “treat” Alcor drives.

And at the end of the review, we suggest you get acquainted with another utility for unlocking flash drives. This is HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool - a universal free program used mainly for formatting different models of flash drives. The utility supports unlocking USB devices, selecting a file system when formatting, assigning labels, and applying data compression for NTFS. In addition, with its help you can create a bootable MS-DOS flash media.

Good day.

Recently, several users have contacted me with the same type of problem - when copying information to a flash drive, an error occurred with approximately the following content: “ The disc is write protected. Remove protection or use another drive«.

This can happen for various reasons and there is no single solution. In this article I will give the main reasons why this error appears and their solution. In most cases, the recommendations from the article will return your drive to normal operation. Let's get started...

1) Mechanical write protection on the flash drive is enabled

The most common reason why a security-related error appears is the switch on the flash drive itself (Lock). Previously, there was something similar on floppy disks: you wrote down something you needed, switched it to read-only mode - and you don’t worry about forgetting and accidentally erasing the data. Such switches are usually found on MicroSD flash drives.

In Fig. 1 shows such a flash drive, if the switch is set to Lock mode, then you can only copy files from the flash drive, it will be impossible to write or format it!

Rice. 1. MicroSD with write protection.

By the way, sometimes you can also find such a switch on some USB flash drives (see Fig. 2). It is worth noting that it is extremely rare and only at little-known Chinese companies.

Fig.2. RiData flash drive with write protection.

In general, by default, Windows does not prohibit copying and writing information to flash drives. But in the event of virus activity (and indeed any malware), or, for example, when using and installing various assemblies from different authors, it is possible that some settings in the registry have been changed.

Therefore, the advice is simple:

  1. first check your PC (laptop) for viruses ();
  2. check further registry settings And local access policies(more on this later in the article).

1. Checking registry settings

How to enter the registry:

  • press the WIN+R button combination;
  • then in the Run window that appears, enter regedit;
  • press Enter (see Fig. 3.).

By the way, in Windows 7 you can open the Registry Editor through the START menu.

Note. Chapter Control you will have, but the section StorageDevicePolicies- it may not exist... If it doesn’t exist, you need to create it, to do this, just right-click on the section Control and select a section from the drop-down menu, then give it a name - StorageDevicePolicies. Working with sections resembles the most common work with folders in Explorer (see Fig. 4).

Further in the section StorageDevicePolicies create a parameter DWORD 32 bits: To do this, just click on the section StorageDevicePolicies right-click and select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.

By the way, such a 32-bit DWORD parameter can already be created in this section (if you had one, of course).

Rice. 5. Registry - creating a DWORD 32 parameter (clickable).

Now open this parameter and set it to 0 (as in Figure 6). If you have the parameter DWORD 32 bits has already been created previously, change its value to 0 . Next, close the editor and restart your computer.

Rice. 6. Set the parameter

After restarting the computer, if the reason was in the registry, you can easily write the necessary files to the flash drive.

2. Local access policies

Also, local access policies may limit the writing of information to connected drives (including flash drives). To open local access policy editor- just press the buttons Win+R and in the execute line enter gpedit.msc , then the Enter key (see Fig. 7).

Then, on the right, pay attention to the parameter “ Removable drives: disable writing". Open this setting and disable it (or set it to Not Configured).

Actually, after the specified parameters, restart your computer and try to write files to the USB flash drive.

3) Low-level formatting of a flash drive/disk

In some cases, for example, with certain types of viruses, there is nothing left to do but format the drive in order to completely get rid of the malware. Low-level formatting will destroy absolutely ALL DATA on the flash drive (you will no longer be able to recover it using various utilities), and at the same time, it helps to bring back to life a flash drive (or hard drive), which many have already given up on...

What utilities can be used.

In general, there are more than enough utilities for low-level formatting (in addition, on the website of the flash drive manufacturer you can also find 1-2 utilities for “reanimating” the device). Nevertheless, through experience, I came to the conclusion that it is better to use one of the following 2 utilities:

  1. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. A simple, installation-free utility for formatting USB-Flash drives (the following file systems are supported: NTFS, FAT, FAT32). Works with devices via USB 2.0 port. Developer:
  2. HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool. An excellent utility with unique algorithms that allows you to easily and quickly format (including problematic drives that other utilities and Windows cannot see) HDDs and Flash cards. The free version has a speed limit of 50 MB/s (not critical for flash drives). I will show my example below in this utility. Official website:

Example of low-level formatting (in HDD LLF Low Level Format Tool)

1. First, copy ALL the NECESSARY files from the flash drive to your computer’s hard drive ( that is, you make a backup copy. After formatting, you will no longer be able to recover anything from this flash drive!).

3. You should see a list of all connected disks and flash drives. Find yours in the list (focus on the device model and its capacity).

Rice. 9. Selecting a flash drive

4. Then open the LOW-LEVE FORMAT tab and click the Format This Device button. The program will ask you again and warn you about deleting everything on the flash drive - just answer in the affirmative.

Rice. 10. Start formatting

5. Next, wait while the formatting is done. The time will depend on the state of the formatted media and the version of the program (paid ones work faster). When the operation is completed, the green progress bar will turn yellow. Now you can close the utility and begin high-level formatting.

Rice. 11. Formatting complete

6. The easiest way is to simply go to “ This computer" (or " My computer"), select the connected flash drive in the list of devices and right-click on it: select the formatting function in the drop-down list. Next, give the flash drive a name and specify the file system (for example, NTFS, since it supports files larger than 4 GB. See Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. My computer / formatting a flash drive

That's all. After this procedure, your flash drive (in most cases, ~97%) will start working as expected ( The exception is cases when software methods will not help the flash drive...).

Why does this error occur, what can I do to prevent it from happening again?

And finally, I’ll give you a few reasons why an error related to write protection appears (using the tips listed below will significantly increase the life of your flash drive).

  1. Firstly, when disconnecting a flash drive, always use safe shutdown: right-click in the tray next to the clock on the icon of the connected flash drive and select disable from the menu. According to my personal observations, many users never do this. At the same time, such shutdowns can damage the file system (for example);
  2. Secondly, install an antivirus on the computer on which you are working with a flash drive. Of course, I understand that it is impossible to insert a flash drive into a PC with an antivirus everywhere and everywhere - but after receiving it from a friend where they copied files to it (from an educational institution, etc.), when you connect the flash drive to your PC - just check it ;
  3. Try not to drop or throw the flash drive. Many people, for example, attach a flash drive to their keys like a keychain. There is nothing special about this - but often the keys are thrown on the table (bedside table) upon arriving home (the keys will do nothing, but the flash drive flies and hits them);

I’ll take my leave for now, if you have anything to add, I’d be grateful. Good luck and less mistakes!

Sometimes there are cases when it is impossible to format a USB flash drive or SD card, transfer or write data to them. Windows displays the error message " The disc is write protected. Remove protection or use another drive". Many devices come with a locking lever on the flash drive itself. Make sure that the lever itself on the SD card or flash drive is set to " unlocked"Unfortunately, in some cases, devices may be physically damaged, which will lead to the purchase of a new one. If you are sure that everything is in order: the lever is unlocked, the device has not been subjected to physical shock, then we will consider ways to resuscitate drives and try to remove the protection from recording from flash drives and SD memory cards.

How to remove write protection from an SD card, flash drive or disk

An error when an SD card, flash drive or disk is write-protected may be technical and nothing will help. But there are many cases when malware can change settings in the registry and thereby block the formatting of a flash drive. We will also use special utilities from flash drive manufacturers that will help fix the error if it is a regular software failure.

Note:If there is a physical formatting blocker, then first check the lever on the flash drive or SD memory card, most likely it is blocked.

1. Using the registry

Press a combination of buttons Win+R and enter regedit to enter the Registry Editor.

Follow the path:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\StorageDevicePolicies

If you don't have a parameter StorageDevicePolicies, then create a partition named StorageDevicePolicies by right-clicking on the folder Contorl. If there is a value, then see below what parameters should be.

Go to the created StorageDevicePolicies folder, select it, and right-click on the empty field with the right mouse button and Create > DWORD value (32 bits). Give the new parameter a name WriteProtect, then double-click on it with the mouse to open properties and assign a value 0 . Restart your PC and check if it gives you the error that the disk is write protected. If this method does not help, then move on.

2. Using CMD

Insert the flash drive or SD memory card into the computer's USB port and run Command Prompt as administrator.

Enter the following commands:

  • diskpart- launching a tool for working with disks.
  • list disk- shows which drives are connected to the computer. The flash drive in my case is located Disc 1 size 7640 MB.
  • select disk 1- Where 1 this is the disk number shown above. Disc 1 in my case this flash drive.
  • attributes disk clear readonly- clear the attributes of the flash drive.
  • clean- clean the flash drive.
  • create partition primary- create a section.
  • format fs=fat32- format it in FAT32. (You can change fat32 on ntfs, if you use a flash drive only on Windows systems.)

3. Using Group Policy

Click win+r and type in the line gpedit.msc.

Navigate to the following paths: Computer configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Access to removable storage devices. On the right, find the items " Removable drives" And turn off by double-clicking on the desired line - write, read, execute, if enabled.