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Cheating soundcloud comments. How to Gain Subscribers on Soundcloud Naturally

SoundCloud is a convenient and modern storage of various audio content, a startup that gained dizzying popularity shortly after its launch on the Internet. In view of this, today it is not easy to promote a composition of interest on this site; you need SoundCloud promotion, which is what the service site does. A wide range of services and the efficiency of their provision allow us to promote the track to the top of the ranking!

Features of SoundCloud and track promotion there

But even if the composition is unique and inimitable, it is so easy to promote it. Popular performers are followed by millions of fans. It is not easy for even an equally talented but beginning performer to break through their popularity. And the SoundCloud promotion service ordered from us will help to distinguish the track and its artist from the mass of other competitors and bring it to the level of a hit.

Types of services we provide and their costs

the site offers its customers four offers in this category. Each of them concerns a specific quantitative indicator that affects popularity. We offer to purchase natural huskies at a price of only 150 rubles for 100 pieces. Another of our services is boosting SoundCloud listens. For 4 rubles this figure will immediately increase by 100 steps.

If you are interested in promoting your account and the music on it in the “sound cloud,” order a boost of followers, which in the future will help attract hundreds of real subscribers. The service for downloading tracks is also popular, since the ratings of all kinds of audio chats are based on this indicator.

It’s difficult to get into SoundCloud, but it’s quite possible if you resort to a little trick - a promotion service from our company.

  • Live, very high-quality users from all over the world will listen to the specified track on SoundCloud.
  • An increase in the number of listens affects the rating, makes it possible to stand out from the general stream of tracks and make it more popular.
  • Take a comprehensive approach to promotion! To increase your chances of bringing your track to the TOP of the best, use “Comments”, “Like” and “Downloads”.
  • Minimum order size is 5000 units, maximum 10,000,000.
  • Automatic receipt of the order for processing after its registration. The launch starts from 1-12 hours, the start time depends on the current queue. In rare cases, there may be a delay in the start of up to 24 hours.
  • ATTENTION! Before placing an order, the promoted account must be open, do not close the account while the service is being performed and do not change the link URL (username). In this case, the service may not be performed and we will not be able to refund the funds.
  • We do not provide a guarantee for this service.

Best Price Guarantee

We are an officially registered company and have had legal status since 2015. PRSkill is the official provider of basic market promotion services. We keep uncompetitively low prices for our entire range of services. If you see lower prices, this means that the quality of such service is significantly inferior to the quality of a similar service from PRSkill. A questionably low price is a sign of the absence of any guarantees, the legality of the activity and a high risk of account blocking and loss of money.

Reasonable prices make our services available to hundreds of large companies, video bloggers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, politicians, musicians, artists, dancers, religious figures and other categories of social network users.

We are responsible for results at the best price, we take care of our clients, building long-term relationships! To order a service you just need to register, top up your balance and select a service. All. Then we work, and you relax and enjoy the effect.

Quality assurance

We provide a 100% guarantee of the quality of the services provided by our company, because each service undergoes a monthly quality control check by independent experts, and a similar check weekly by competent in-house specialists.

You can be completely sure that when ordering a service from our company you will receive:

  • support by a personal client manager
  • highest quality service
  • individual approach
  • maximum possible execution speed
  • convenient multifunctional personal account.

PRSkill's impeccable reputation, a large base of regular customers, which is constantly growing, as well as many positive reviews and recommendations, make us the undoubted leader in the market. Our services are used by hundreds of large companies, video bloggers, entrepreneurs, businessmen, politicians, musicians, artists, dancers, religious figures and other categories of social network users.

At all stages of cooperation we maintain strict confidentiality,

timely reporting and uninterrupted operation.

We are responsible for quality and take care of our clients, building long-term relationships! All you need is to register, top up your balance and select a service. Then we will do everything for you, with minimal delay, quickly and efficiently!

Security Guarantee

In our work we use reliable and proven mechanisms, interaction schemes, and software. The painstaking and meticulous work of PRSkill experts allows us to develop unique solutions that guarantee high efficiency with maximum safety.

For promotion, we only use account names and external links - no passwords. The protection of personal data is ensured by compliance with current legislation, according to which PRSkill undertakes to provide an appropriate level of information security and guarantees non-disclosure to third parties.

We guarantee secure storage of the information provided and undertake to comply with the obligations of the Agreement. Our guideline is comfortable long-term and mutually beneficial relationships. All you need to do is go through a simple registration, top up your balance in any convenient way and select the desired service. After this, it’s our turn: we work, and you relax!

Promotion of the SoundCloud network channel: SoundCloud Followers

SoundCloud is a specialized audio sharing network that uses the standard functionality of a social network, which has led to its unconditional popularity among musicians, composers, video makers, and simply creative, caring people, connoisseurs of numerous areas of the modern music industry.
SoundCloud is the clear leader in its segment; it is visited daily by more than 450 thousand unique visitors who download more than a million tracks and generate more than one and a half million plays of audio files posted on SoundCloud. That is why, for every self-respecting musician, it is important to have a popular, well-promoted Soundcloud channel.
We guarantee speed and quality! Exclusive VisitorsLive© technology! Using our innovative technologies, you can make sure that getting SoundCloud channel subscribers is simple, fast and safe!

SoundCloud channel (profile) subscribers. Cheating SoundCloud Followers

The presence of a large number of subscribers to a channel (SoundCloud profile) is a subjective, but universally recognized, unit for assessing the popularity of a user, public or SoundCloud group. Obviously, the more subscribers you have, the more popular and “interesting”, the more trusted your personal (personal channel or channel of a website, business, group) on the SoundCloud network will be for visitors. As a rule, famous musicians and show business stars have millions of subscribers who are their fans, at the same time, such publics arouse keen interest from other users, the so-called. “crowd effect” (psi factor), and publics go into the mode of a fan recruitment of third-party subscribers.

By ordering from us to increase the number of SoundCloud subscribers, you:

  1. you will be able to strengthen the trust of clients (visitors) in you, your creativity, your public, and the musical works posted in it;
  2. increase recognition and trust;
  3. positively influence the position of the website of your musical group or creative team in organic search engine results (social component);
  4. stimulate an increase in the natural activity of SoundCloud public participants, attract a natural audience for the public (SoundCloud channel) from reposts;

Getting SoundCloud subscribers is easy and safe!

Our service is absolutely legal and safe. You don't need to tell us the password for your SoundCloud account, you don't need to download suspicious programs, send SMS, like unfamiliar accounts or exchange subscriptions. Everything happens online right on the website. The VisitorsLive© technology, developed by us and used to generate actions, completely simulates the behavior of an ordinary user on the SoundCloud network. SoundCloud channel subscribers obtained using our service look natural and do not arouse suspicion either among people or tracking programs.


  • Never, under any circumstances, tell anyone your SoundCloud account password, do not indicate your SoundCloud account login and password in the so-called. “free” cheating programs, subscriber exchange systems, and other dubious services. Please understand that all these cheaters and exchangers are created solely for the purpose of extracting authorization information from gullible users, with the goal of subsequently hacking their accounts.

Features of the implementation of projects within the framework of the service "Increase SoundCloud subscribers"

The provision of the service "Increase SoundCloud subscribers" is carried out exclusively on a paid basis. The development of this type of commercial promotion projects is carried out without the participation of an operator, in automatic mode.
Projects within the framework of the "Get SoundCloud Subscribers" service are developed and launched automatically, free of charge, and do not require testing before launch. The minimum permissible one-time order quantity is 100 SoundCloud channel subscribers. The speed of increasing subscribers (i) is not regulated and cannot be changed at the request of the client.
The service "Increase SoundCloud subscribers" can be implemented either as a separate service or as a package of work, together with the services: "Increase SoundCloud listens and downloads."
An order placed through an online form is accepted for execution immediately after payment by the client, and will actually be moderated and launched within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.

Cost of the service "Increase SoundCloud subscribers"

The basic cost of boosting SoundCloud subscriber statistics is $2.5 per 100 subscribers. Depending on the volume ordered, adjustment factors are applied to the order cost:

Algorithm for ordering the service "Boost SoundCloud subscribers":

  1. click the "Proceed to order a service" button located at the bottom of this page;
  2. fill out the online order form for the “Boost SoundCloud Subscribers” service, following the recommendations posted above;
  3. Click the "Continue" button, after which the system will automatically redirect you to the order confirmation page and display the parameters you previously specified for this order.
  4. check the correctness of the project parameters you specified, if everything is correct, go to step 5; if you made a mistake when entering order parameters, start over;
  5. indicate your contact information: E-mail*, Phone (optional);
  6. Once again, carefully check the completeness and correctness of the data you provided, make sure that all the data is correct!!!
  7. Select, from the list of payment methods available for your location, a payment aggregator convenient for you, proceed to payment by clicking the “Pay” button;
  8. pay for the order following the payment billing (aggregator) prompts;
  9. if the payment was successful, a corresponding message from the billing system will be displayed on the screen; if there is a failure when making payment, start over;
  10. upon successful payment of the order, a message from our service will be sent to the e-mail you specified when placing the order, informing you that your order has been accepted for development;


  • if, when placing an order, the client indicated his mobile phone number, messages about the progress of the order will be duplicated via SMS (the SMS information service is provided free of charge!)*;
  • actual moderation and launch of the paid order will be carried out within 24 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.

Simple, reliable, technologically advanced!

Place an online order to increase SoundCloud channel (profile) subscribers, and make sure that thousands of new users are ready to subscribe to your channel today!
Unique innovative boost technologies developed by our service for automated promotion of SoundCloud groups and publics, using VisitorsLive© technology, allow our users to be guaranteed to receive large volumes of subscribers in the shortest possible time, ensuring adaptability to cheat detection algorithms.
We work for results! Order boosting SoundCloud subscribers today and make sure of the effectiveness and technology of the services we provide.

In the end, my soul fell more in favor of the second one, and having completely thought about where to place my musical creativity, I came to the third option, but more on that later. Today I want to talk about how to attract additional attention to your profile on soundcloud, namely, to get listens to your compositions, remixes, mixes, whatever.

I think many people know all sorts of paid methods and services for getting likes, followers, subscribers and the like on various social networks (if not, then here’s one for you - affordable in price, diverse in functionality and high-quality in the execution of tasks and it). And to be honest, I periodically use such services myself, only very carefully and to the point - well, for example, for initial promotion at the start of some project (the public in VKontakte is the same) or recently I found several excellent foreign services for forced listening people of their creativity on soundcloud.

On this service, in addition to recruiting listeners, there is also a function for recruiting followers to your soundcloud account and likes for certain compositions, but I personally prefer not to use this function, since I think this approach is not entirely honest, and even if it is appropriate, then only when promoting world brands ala Tiesto, Burren, etc., and these are completely different numbers in all respects. There are also a bunch of functions for other social networks (views, likes on Youtube, likes, reposts, subscribers on facebook, vkontakte, Twitter, Instagram and several other social networks), but now we are talking about listeners on soundcloud.

Why do I need this?

Well, first of all, if one out of a hundred is hooked by the music and he becomes a follower of his own free will, then, you see, it’s not bad. Yes, attracting attention is forced, but then as it goes. A kind of advertising of your account on soundcloud, and quite worthy, I think.

And secondly, when you have a couple of thousand plays on one of the compositions posted on soundcloud, this begins to attract other listeners (curiosity, you know), which entails a chain reaction and, as a result, attracting additional attention to your work in in general.

Here are a couple of completely non-criminal motives that I used. Well, as they say, if you learned it yourself, show it to others. I’m showing you all the details here: . Everything is set up there quite simply, like everything ingenious - all the details are told and shown in an explanatory video.

UPD: As a bonus, for a while I’ll provide a link to one of the services from this collection. Absolutely free set of wiretaps, likes, etc. and not only on soundcloud. , the link is still working!

I remind you that in addition to soundcloud, you can also get likes, reposts, comments for other social networks, including Facebook, VKontakte, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and others.


Sometimes there is a real need to speed up the promotion of your creativity to make it more visible. One of these ways is to gain followers on your soundcloud account, either likes to increase attention to certain compositions, or to increase the number of listens for the same purpose.

Agree, when you are browsing profiles and tracks of other musicians and DJs FOR THE FIRST TIME - your attention is more attracted to works that already have a lot of listens, likes, and the musician’s profile itself is quite popular (those with many followers) than those who have only a few.

Today, anyone can find a social network or resource that provides maximum opportunities for development and earnings. Many musicians have already rated Soundcloud as the best platform for interacting with music lovers. The most important thing is not just to upload the track, but also to pay attention to its promotion. It will definitely help with this in the first stages. Soundcloud cheat.

Soundcloud - what is it?

In just a few years, Soundcloud has grown from an ordinary startup into a huge resource for artists and music lovers. This is where even the newest musician can flourish. To do this, just post your composition and promote it among listeners. Considering that today not only fans of quality music gather on Soundcloud, but also producers and sponsors, each artist has a chance to gain the long-awaited popularity.

How to become popular faster?

Today, dozens and hundreds of new products from the music world appear on Soundcloud every day. But it is quite possible to stand out even among experienced and more popular musicians. To do this, you need to promote your downloads. The rating of any song on Soundcloud is based on likes and plays. If these indicators increase, the song's rating increases and it ends up in the recommended section. Here it will be heard by people who are not yet familiar with the artist’s work. This is how you can find new fans.

Why do you need cheating?

Today, only a few manage to develop quickly from scratch. Gives more guarantees Soundcloud promotion using cheating. If there are a lot of plays and likes, then a solid figure will impress a user who is not yet familiar with the track. Most likely, subconsciously becoming interested due to the opinion of the majority, he will listen to the composition and join the army of fans of the performer.

Thus, increasing the main indicators of a song increases its rating on Soundcloud and its significance for users.

Professional promotion on Soundcloud – the main advantages

Promotion on Soundcloud by specialists from - an excellent opportunity to quickly increase the rating of songs. To do this, you don’t need to master all the intricacies of promotion - professionals will do all the work for you. All you need to do is choose a package of services, pay for it and evaluate the following benefits of promotion:

  • speed - achieving the planned indicators is several times easier than when trying to promote an account on Soundcloud on your own;
  • efficiency - the first results can be seen already on the day you order the service (the service starts working 10-30 minutes after payment is made);
  • efficiency – real and offer accounts are involved in promotion;
  • reliability - after payment, the client receives a receipt as a guarantee that all services will be provided in full.
Another important advantage is that you yourself plan the volume of promotion and budget. In just a few days, competent promotion will allow you to achieve indicators that many take years to achieve. A professional approach to developing an account on Soundcloud and high-quality tracks are the key to popularity, which is already very close!