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The flash drive is damaged, what should I do? How to recover a flash drive without formatting

Utilities + techniques that will repair a damaged SD memory card, cure formatting errors and make SD work on your computer and phone.

Types of damage to SDHC memory cards

The most common scenarios that lead to problems reading SD cards on mobile devices and PCs are the following:

  • Physical damage to the memory card
  • Presence of bad sectors in the file table of the SD card:
    • After unsuccessful file transfer (copy-paste or Ctrl + X)
    • In case of a system failure of the OS (sudden shutdown of the PC) or phone
  • Other unknown reasons why the SD card is damaged

How to recover a damaged memory card through the console

To fix reading errors on a memory card, you can use the command line and chkdsk. The utility is included in any version of Windows.

How to use chkdsk when fixing a memory card:

  1. Open the Run menu via the Start menu or the Win + R hotkeys.
  2. Type cmd, Enter
  3. At the command prompt, type chkdsk [drive letter]: /f /r, Enter
  4. Press Y to confirm the scan will start

The meaning of the keys in chkdsk:

  • Flag /f – correct errors on the memory card
  • The /r flag – fixing bad sectors on the disk

The functionality of the chkdsk utility also contains other scan parameters, which can be viewed using the /? command. .

Format the memory card using the SDformatter program

Often problems with a memory card arise due to incorrect formatting. As a result,

  • sd card is not readable
  • does not appear when connected on certain PC configurations
  • A memory card with the NTFS file system is not available for writing files on Mac OS.

The free SDformatter program is ideal for these purposes. It formats SD cards. Nothing more is required from her. SDformatter copes with the task better than standard Windows formatting programs - in fact, they are not entirely suitable for formatting SD/SDHC memory cards.

Card reader(external or internal) - a special device connected to a computer. It is inexpensive and sold in most computer stores. If you have a laptop, it is likely that the card reader is already built-in.

SDformatter is far from the only utility for working with flash drives; USB Disk Storage Format Tool is an excellent alternative. This free program has the same capabilities - formatting in (ex)FAT/NTFS and checking the file structure/clusters for errors.

The disadvantage of formatting as a method of correcting errors is obvious: all files previously stored on the memory card will be irretrievably lost. But if it’s more important to you to fix errors on the memory card and quickly return it to working condition, it’s harder to come up with a better way to solve the problem than formatting.

Is it possible to save files if the memory card asks for formatting?

We repeat, we will not rule out that a damaged SD card may contain very important files. Sometimes they can be saved, but in some situations you will have to say goodbye to them.

One of the most famous cases is when, as a result of reading errors, the operating system offers, to put it mildly, not the best option - to format the memory card, consequently deleting it completely.

How to act in a situation if a flash drive (or rather Windows) requires you to format it? Try to restore the functioning of a damaged SD card by bypassing formatting - so that the files remain on it.

  1. Ignore the formatting prompt.
  2. Using a recovery program (for example, PhotoRec or TestDisk), scan the memory card.
  3. Save the recovered files on your computer.

Read how to do this via PhotoRec.

Is there a possibility of permanent damage to the memory card?

Yes, sure. Reading errors on the memory card cannot be restored programmatically if they are of a mechanical nature:

  • you damaged the memory card by dropping or stepping on it,
  • Water has entered the memory card,
  • When the phone caught fire, the memory card was exposed to heat.

If the problem is a hardware problem, in the case of a hard drive or USB flash drive, it is possible to replace the microcircuits in the laboratory. However, an SD memory card, which is microscopic in size, cannot be restored; the only option is to replace the damaged memory card with a new one. Moreover, the presence of visible damage excludes free replacement under warranty.

Additional Information. What happens when the memory card is damaged

Let us list the characteristic symptoms: what is happening, the SD memory card is damaged.

  • Photos and videos open with errors or are not displayed completely
  • SD card is unreadable or not recognized by phone/PC
  • The phone displays a message saying that recording to the SD card is not possible
  • Damaged SD card asking to format it
  • The OS reports reading errors and freezes when connecting an SD card to the computer

Question answer

My sd memory card was damaged, can I recover lost photos on it? What should I do?

Answer. Yes, in most cases, CardRecovery 6.10 (flash drive recovery program) is capable of reliably recovering photos from damaged memory cards (but not in all cases. Basically, it depends on the current state of the memory card and the number of overwrite cycles of free space).

CardReader is the optimal application for recovery, since this program is “tailored” for media formats and memory cards. In addition, we can recommend an alternative - RhotoRec. It searches file signatures and in some cases finds what CardReader misses.

Most of the photos on the SD card are damaged. Folders allegedly damaged. After reading your article, I realized that the problem may have arisen due to “overwriting”. Is it possible to recover photos from a damaged microSD?

Answer. Yes, of course, recovery of a microSD memory card after overwriting is less likely. Therefore, it is best to take it out of the phone and restore it only through a card reader by connecting the SD card to a computer or laptop.

The phone showed a message saying that the memory card is not supported by the phone. I checked. The card is indeed damaged. Is it possible to restore or extract photos and videos from there and how to do it. Thank you.

Answer. If the memory card is damaged, you need to remove it from the phone (or other device where it was used), connect it to the computer via a card reader and scan the SD card using recovery programs. This is the only way to recover data from a damaged card.

If there is physical damage (and, consequently, the computer does not see the SD card), unfortunately, recovery is not possible.

SD card is damaged. I can’t open and view files either through my phone (Android) or my computer (Windows 7). downloaded CardRecovery 6.10. build 1210 (evalutiation version), the program found the files, BUT at the last stage, i.e. saving, a line appears in which you need to enter the key. If you don't have a key, you need to buy one. So, is there any way to restore files without cost? because There is a lot of valuable information on the SD card, I would not like to format it. I hope very much for your help.

Answer. Yes, you can restore a damaged phone SD card at no cost. Since you're talking about CardRecovery, you'll either have to buy the full version on the developer's website ($40) or download it to rutracker in the pro version. Among the free and high-quality programs for complete recovery, we can recommend the Recuva program (we have already done a detailed review of its functions). In order for the memory card to be identified in the list, you need to connect it via a card reader to the PC.

Recently I decided to take a photo, but when I take a photo, it is saved, but there is a black screen in the gallery. Also, VK does not listen to music and does not save pictures and screenshots to the memory card. What to do? I am hope for your help!

Answer. Your phone's memory card may be damaged. You can fix file system damage by formatting the SD card on a computer or directly on your phone (read how to do this above). If this method does not work, try replacing the SD card or, as a last resort, resetting the phone to factory settings.

About five days ago, the phone began to show an icon that the memory card (flash drive) was damaged and suggested erasing everything from it. I didn't do this. Two days later, all audio recordings disappeared. And today I discovered that most of the photos were also missing. What to do? Is it possible to restore them?

Answer . As a rule, ifSDthe card is damaged,Windowssuggests formatting it (= erasing it). Before doing this, it is best to copy all remaining data to your PC.

The next step is to perform a quick format (Quick, but notFull!) and scan the memory card with recovery programs.Among the free ones we recommend Recuva, PhotoRec, DiskDigger for PC.

I ordered it for myselfSD cardon aliexpress. I inserted it into the phone and everything worked. An hour passed, I rebooted the phone - it stopped seeing the flash drive, the same situation on the computer. ButSDthe card is connected to the computer and is present in the list of media. I go into my computer - it’s not there, I go to Disk Management - it shows that the disk is working fine. At the same time, I can’t format or copy files to a flash drive. I inserted it into a tablet with Android 5.0: it shows that the flash drive is damaged and asks to format it. I started formatting, OSWindowformats and completes formatting successfully, but after this procedure nothing happened.

What should I do in this situation? How to restore micro sd? I accept any options except contacting the service.

Answer . Replacing the flash drive under warranty would be the fastest solution to the problem. ButSDIt is problematic to return a card from Aliexpress to the seller: sending it by mail will take months.

If formatting doesn't help, try creatingDisk VolumeonSDmap using a standard componentWindows: Control Panel - Disk Management. Then assign any free letter to Disk Volume.

Before our vacation we bought a new digital camera. Of course, we also bought a new memory card for him. Well, we walk around, take photos, there are already 900 photos, a 32 GB flash drive, it should have been enough for many photos, but suddenly the camera gives an error that we have damaged the flash card. And the photos don't open. We arrived home, started looking, but the flash drive would not open anywhere.

Question: is the problem with the camera or the flash drive? How can I restore the photo now?

Answer . Theoretically, the error could be caused by the camera, but this happens very rarely. For example, if the camera software contains errors, this can be resolved by flashing the device.

But most often the problem is associated with improper use of the memory card: for example, if you took it out of the camera without turning it off or connected it to another device / took it out of the card reader without removing it (unmounted).

What to do if the memory card is damaged? The best thing:

  1. Check the memory card for errors by connecting it to the PC
  2. Format media - if there are particularly important photos onSDthe map is no longer there.

Also check if the contacts on thestorage device. If filming was carried out in difficult weather conditions, this could cause contamination and, consequently, deterioration of the electrical conductivity of the memory card.

[Phone cannot recognizeSD-card after 3 days of use]

My phonevivo y53 reads my old oneSD-card, but my new one is 32 GB. My phone reads it, but only when transferring files from phone toSD-map. Some files are corrupted and when sharing files on another deviceSD the card is automatically disabled. What can be done to recover the sd card and files on it?

Answer . It is necessary to check the memory card for reading errors: perhaps you removed it incorrectly or, over time, erroneous sectors appeared that prevented writing/reading). Suitable for scanningchkdskor command line (seemanagement for error correction).

If no errors are found, copy the contents of the memory card to your computer (make a backup) and formatSDmap using the utilitySD Formatter . Programs available on the manufacturer’s website are also suitable for these purposes.SDcards (if available).

[Memory card is damaged... I've been trying to fix it for 3 days and nothing works]

About 3 days ago my micro SD card suddenly went bad. Photos do not open, nor do videos. Here's what I tried:

  • Checked if the memory card works on another device
  • Tried to fix errors via: "chkdsk:D/F" on my PC
  • I tried restarting and turning off the phone several times.
  • Tried to see if it works on my PC.

Does anyone know anything I can do how to recover a microsd memory card? Would appreciate any help.

Answer .

  1. Look for proprietary software on the memory card manufacturer's website. In some cases, utilities for formatting a flash drive can be useful..
  2. You can check the disk for errors not only through the command line, try other utilities for diagnosing the hard drivelikeHDDScan.
  3. If the contentSDthe card is not available, but the disk is detected in Explorer (Windowsrequires you to format it), quick formatting of the flash drive and subsequent recovery saves via Recuva or similarrecovery-software

my 32gb sd card got damaged when i tried to download a file from a torrent. I can read data from the SD card, but I can't delete it or write new files. I tried cmd to solve the problem, but couldn't partition the memory card.

Please help me fix the SD card.

Answer . If you downloaded virus software from torrents, the virus may have blocked access to removable media. Therefore, it would not hurt to check your PC andSDerror card.

Second point. If you are writing files to free space, where there isbadsectors,Windowswill give an error. To resolve the error, check the memory card for errors or movebad-sectors to the end of the file table using diagnostic software.

Out of nowhere, the SD card turned out to be damaged. The phone suggested formatting it, and before that copying the files to the PC. But the computer doesn't see it. What is on the internal memory of the phone is seen. But there is no memory card. How then can I copy files from it before formatting? It is very important to save these files.

Answer. Do not agree to formatting if it is important to preserve the files stored on the media. You need to check the SD card for reading errors and fix them. How to do this - see above in the text (use chkdsk or similar utilities).

Please tell me what to do in such a situation? The Samsung j5 16 phone was full to capacity, and after a while it and the flash drive stopped seeing the memory card or saw it, but a window popped up: the memory card is damaged, replace it with a new one. When I deleted files or rebooted the phone, I saw the memory card without problems. I thought it was due to lack of space and so I decided, out of harm’s way, to take the card out of the phone and put it in a special box. After about 3 weeks I decided to clean it through the computer, but it didn’t open on it either. Is it possible to do anything with it, there is a lot of important information there.

Answer. Check for bad sectors using chkdsk, then format and continue using (if there are no errors, of course).

Micro SD 32 GB was installed in Android 7 Nugat. At first the memory card disappeared several times, as if it had been removed and inserted. The phone offered to set it as default. I thought the contact between the card and the phone was bad. Then it turns off and that’s it, neither the phone nor the card readers on the computer see it, they don’t react, as if it doesn’t exist. There was no damage or inaccuracy, it just turned off and that’s it. Is it really possible to do something? Thank you.

Answer. Most likely there are read errors or a damaged file table. These errors are easy to fix; You can restore the SD card using the chkdsk utility for Windows or its graphical analogue.

My SD card was stolen and then returned. A few weeks after returning, the phone suddenly stopped reading and recognizing the card. Neither the phone nor the SD card appears to be damaged, and this literally happened out of nowhere. The phone says there is no SD card inserted, but it is not. What to do?

Answer . If onSDThere is no physical damage to the card; it may contain software errors. This is actually the topic we are discussing, so re-readFAQand answers to questions - most likely, your case has already been considered.

I have an 8 gig flash drive, but half of the selectors are damaged along the way, since I can only write 3 gigs on it, if I start filling it up more, the computer freezes, how can I cure it so that the remaining 3 gigs can also be filled, although the computer is in The properties of the flash drive shows that there are still 3 gigs available.

My card is in the RAW system - when checked by programs it simply turns off - apparently there are damaged sectors - nothing helps from what is described on the Internet - help!

What should I do if I received a notification on my phone that the SD card is damaged, although everything looks fine? I tried removing it and rebooting the phone - all to no avail. I don’t have a computer, tell me how to solve the problem, thanks in advance

There was a 32 GB SD card in the phone, and one day after rebooting the device, a message came out that the SD card was damaged and needed to be replaced. I connected the SD to the computer. The computer identified it, showed all the files, but nothing could be done with them. Then I inserted the SD back into the phone and it said that the SD needed to be formatted, but when I press format, after 20% a message pops up that formatting has been interrupted. Please tell me is it possible to restore an SD card or is it dead?

I'm already tormented by these micro sd cards!!! The problem is this: there are two phones, Samsung and Xiaomi, and there is an MP3 mini player, there is a card where a lot of music is downloaded and at one time this card worked on all devices, but sometimes due to the phones being turned off or rebooted, a message popped up about the memory card being damaged and of course all the music disappeared, they don’t see it on the device, but if you insert it through the card reader into the computer, the card shows normally, all the files are in place and work, I insert it back into the phone or mp3 and again all over again, there is nothing, the card is damaged! Is it possible to restore it?

Why does my phone show that the memory card is damaged? I formatted it, but the card is still damaged. Lenovo phone.

The phone says that the microsd is damaged and cannot be formatted, although everything works fine on the computer, but there are files that can only be opened through the phone, and I need them, because this is the miui folder (I have xiaomi) what should I do?

Phone Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 Writes that the memory card is damaged. I did the formatting several times. I took it out of the phone, installed it in another, everything works there. I moved it to mine again, same thing - the memory card is damaged. Tell me, can I fix the problem myself? Or can only a restoration specialist help?

HTC. 530..does not accept sd.. It says the card is damaged.. It works fine on the other one.. Although the same flash drive worked on it.. I changed the phone.. I just transferred the flash drive to a new phone.. Sony. It works fine.. I haven’t used HTC for some time.. I left it as a reserve.. It happened that way.. I sent it to Sony for repair.. Htc. Does not want to accept any sd.. When formatting it says that the sd card is out of date. It works slowly and needs a sd3 generation.. The sd with which he was working also does not want to open.. Although Sony can see the same sd.. Can you tell me what the problem is.

Step-by-step instructions for USB flash drive recovery in which I will try to answer the question in an accessible language How to recover a flash drive independently and without much effort.

Sometimes you help a person, and then he will tell everyone that you are so good and there are already crowds of people thirsty for help. This is roughly what happened when I restored several flash drives colleagues.

Now the people bear not only their own flash drives, but also flash drives your friends, acquaintances and relatives. Well, at least someone else would bring a bottle of beer or a cookie.

It’s not difficult for me to help, but when I suggest you learn how to do all this yourself, you refuse. Next time I’ll just sew them off. If you don't want to study, pass by.

I’ll finish with the lyrics here and move directly to the topic of the post..

If your flash drive stopped be determined like a disk, doesn't want to formatted, does not allow you to write down information or something else happened to it, BUT it has no mechanical damage, then you know that all is not lost. Most likely a glitch controller and you will have to tinker with it a little. This procedure takes approximately 5 minutes.

I’ll say right away that there is no universal programs For recovery all varieties flash drives. You will need to find exactly the one that can work with your controller. flash drives.

First we need to define VID And PID non-working flash drives.

Determine VID and PID for flash drive recovery

Stick it in flash drive into your computer and run device Manager. StartExecute - mmc devmgmt.msc.

Then go to the section Universal Serial Bus Controllers.

We find ours in the list flash drive. Usually, everything flash drives have a name USB storage device.

Press the right button on the device and open Properties.

Go to the tab Intelligence.

Select the item from the drop-down list Instance code devices or Equipment IDs.

In this window we see PID And VID.

Finding a flash drive recovery program

We go to the website and enter the received VID And PID.

Click on the button Search.

In the results we look for your manufacturer and model of the flash drive. I have Kingston DataTraveler 2.0.

The right column will contain the name of the program we need or a link to it.

All. Now search Google for the program by name or download it from the link provided. Launch and follow the instructions. Usually, in such programs for recovery There’s only one button, so you shouldn’t have any questions.

That's all!

If you have any questions, ask in the comments.

USB flash drives have become part of everyday life and are used everywhere to store various data and transfer it to another computer. You can use a flash drive to bring a movie to a friend or take documents home from work. They have an advantage over external hard drives due to their compactness and affordable price. But with all the advantages, there is also a weak side of such drives, namely frequent breakdowns and problems with computer recognition.

You can extract files from a damaged flash drive using special applications.

Before we talk about whether and how to remove files from a damaged flash drive, let’s look at the reasons why the computer gives this error:

There are several tips to extend the life of your device and avoid losing important data:

Data recovery using special programs

If the computer sees the flash drive, but cannot read it, or displays some kind of error and requires formatting, then it is quite possible to restore the files and the flash drive itself. If the problem is in the mechanics or microcircuits, and when connected, the lights do not light up and the computer does not perform any actions, then, most likely, using any applications will not produce results. Try taking the device to a workshop so that specialists can disassemble it and, perhaps, be able to somehow restore its functionality. After this we can already talk about data extraction.

Algorithm for removing files from a damaged flash drive:

  1. If your computer gives you an error and asks you to format the media, don't do it.
  2. Download a special data recovery program.
  3. Install and run the downloaded software.
  4. Follow the program's instructions.
  5. If you were able to extract the data, save it on your hard drive.
  6. Perform low-level formatting of the flash drive, preferably also using a special program.

The following programs can be used for recovery:

  • R-Studio;
  • Recuva;
  • RS FAT Recovery;
  • RS Partition Recovery.

It is recommended to download several utilities because they work differently. In some situations, one is stronger, and the other will be useless under the same conditions, and vice versa. Therefore, do not be discouraged if some popular application does not help you. Just download another one and try again.

R-Studio - the most complete software solution, includes the following recovery functions:

  • Recycle Bin and deleted files outside of it;
  • files that were deleted by viruses or due to a power failure;
  • after formatting, including in another file system;
  • if the partition structure is damaged or changed;
  • HDD with a large number of bad sectors.

Instructions on how you can extract any information from a damaged non-working flash drive using R-Studio:

Recuva is one of the most popular programs for recovering damaged data. But it does not always work effectively. The application is free, works with any external media, even iPod, and has an interface that is understandable for inexperienced users. To restore, do the following:

RS FAT Recovery is an excellent, effective program for universal use. It has proven itself well for various types of damage. The application is paid, but you can download a demo version and perform a scan. It will be done fully, and you will see whether this software product is capable of coping with your task. In the window after the search process is completed, the result will be displayed, but in order to completely save the files, you will be asked to purchase the full version. The application only works with the FAT file system and does not support NTFS. In the second case, you will need a similar program RS NTFS Recovery.

MiniTool Power Data Recovery is a shareware utility that also does a good job of treating flash drives for various errors. The downside is the lack of a Wizard and you have to figure out the settings manually. Scanning and recovery can be performed in the free version. And you can even save what you managed to extract. However, there is a limit on the amount of stored information of 1 GB, which is quite a lot if the data is text or, for example, spreadsheets, and not multimedia.

To summarize, we can say that it is almost always possible to retrieve files from damaged media if the computer can see it. If there is no reaction from the machine when you connect the media, then prepare for the worst result. Handle your device with care, following all recommendations and advice. Leave comments if you encountered the problem of extracting data from broken media, what programs you used and what solution was the best.

Everyone understands something different by flash drive recovery, so this material contains the most common problems that you may encounter.

If you are not prepared for the fact that you may permanently lose files on your storage device, turn to professionals for recovery.

Recovery from viruses

Some malware hides the contents of a USB drive from the user.

To return them, we will work with the command line.

For those who don’t know, it starts in exactly the same way as DiskPart (see reducing storage space), only instead of “diskpart” write “cmd”

  1. Type the command (without quotes): “Z:dir /x /ad” (change Z to the letter of your flash drive). Click
  2. If the command line responds with the command “E2E2~1”, then we are dealing with the consequences of virus activity.
  3. Write “ren E2E2~1 NEWF”, click
  4. The files and folders on the flash drive will return to their original, working state.

Files were deleted from the flash drive (manually or after formatting)

Sometimes it is possible to recover information. The first thing to do is not to write anything else to it, because... any new information destroys part of the old.

We use the free program Recuva.

After installation, run the program and through the “Setup Wizard” select the device from which you want to recover data

Specify the required file type (all are possible)

The program will scan, count the files found and display them in a list with a detailed description.

Those marked with a green circle can be saved. The red ones are lost forever, and the yellow ones are lost depending on your luck.

Select the required files and click on the “Recover” button

Specify a save location on your computer.

If the required files were not found, Recuva will offer to perform an in-depth analysis. It will take longer, but can detect a lot of data.

Flash drive is not detected when connected

The way to restore is as follows: we find out the serial number of the device, then go to the site containing recovery programs and look for the one that matches the number.

The downside is that if the program is not found, then there is nothing you can do about it. And second: if the program is found, then it is best to run it in Windows XP. Many utilities were released a long time ago and have not been updated, so they may have conflicts with new versions of Windows that interfere with their work.

How it works:

1. Connect the USB flash drive to your computer.

2. Go to Control Panel → System → Device Manager.

3. Open the USB Controllers tab.

4. Select "Storage Device"

5. Right-click on it and click “Properties”.

Here we are interested in the “Details” tab → Device Instance Code (or “Hardware ID”).

6. You need to remember 2 four-digit numbers: one comes after PID, the second after VID.

If “0000” is displayed instead of the code, this indicates that the flash drive is damaged too seriously and this method will not work.

7. Go to the website and enter the received codes.

8. See the “UTILS” column. If the name of the program is written somewhere, then copy it.

9. Go to the “Files” section of the same site and use the search to find and download the desired application.

Reduced storage space

In this case, simply formatting the device will not help. You can correct the situation using DiskPart Windows.

To launch it in...

Windows XP

Start → Run → diskpart → OK.

Windows Vista/7

Start → Search for “diskpart” → Run the found application

In all versions, including 8/8.1

Win+CTRL → diskpart → OK

In the window that opens, proceed as follows:

After entering the command, always press Enter, everything is written without quotes.

1. First command: “list disk”. It will display a list of all connected storage devices, including hard drives.

2. Select the number that corresponds to your flash drive and write “select disk (number)”.

3. Write “select partition 1”.

4. "delete partition".

5. “create partition primary”

6. We will receive a long message. Enter “clean”.


7. Done. Now go to My Computer, right-click on the flash drive (now it does not display the size and does not have a file system) and select “Format”.

8. Now select the desired file system (if you don’t know what it is, then select NTFS) and in the “Volume Label” enter the name of the flash drive (whatever you want, in Latin letters).

9. Click Start. Once formatting is complete, the flash drive will be restored.

If you receive the error “Windows cannot complete formatting,” then go to “Run” (as with diskpart and cmd), enter “diskmgmt.msc” and click OK.

In the “Disk Management” window that opens, find your removable drive, right-click on the volume column and select “Format” or, as in my case, when formatting is not available, “Create simple volume”.

A window will open, leave the settings in it as default. After this, formatting will be completed.

The actual volume of the purchased flash drive is less than stated

If the error is several hundred megabytes, then this is normal, as it should be. When buying any storage medium, do not expect that 100% of the declared volume will be available to you: the drive needs part of it for its needs.

If the difference reaches several gigabytes, then one of two things happens:

  1. The previous method may help.
  2. You bought a fake. This is especially true for flash drives and memory cards ordered from China, but they can easily sell this here too. Therefore, if you have a receipt, return to the store.

All of the above refers to software defects, or to simple defects (counterfeits). As for mechanical damage, it is definitely better to entrust such work to people with experience and experience in restoration. In addition, the software methods are the same for both memory cards and memory cards, but mechanical “injuries” are treated differently.

Flash drive recovery is possible in almost all cases. The recovery methods listed below are intended to eliminate software failures; if the flash drive is sunk, broken, or melted, then software data recovery methods will not help. Therefore, at the very beginning it is necessary to determine the type of failure. To do this, insert the drive into the USB connector and look at the indicator or at the list of connected devices in the “My Computer” section:

  1. If the device appears, but the files are not visible or inaccessible, then there is a malfunction, which is often corrected using special programs and you can proceed to selection;
  2. The light has gone out and will not start (or the device not displayed) — there is a physical breakdown;
  3. Flash drive appears as a 0 MB disk. Not the most popular type of malfunction, but if this is what you have, then feel free to skip the main part - a quick solution to this problem is described at the end of the article.

Selection of a special program

There are a number of free programs through which you can bring a flash drive back to life. To select the right program, you must first determine the VIP and PID.

Determining VID and PID

VID and PID are identifiers that determine the type of controller installed in the flash drive. Using these identifiers, software for working with the device is selected. Programs are developed for different types of controllers.

To determine VID and PID you need to:

Program selection

You should use the obtained information about controller identifiers to find the best compatible program. For this:

The service will automatically find compatible software for working with the flash drive. You need to select an entry with the same manufacturer as your flash drive and click on the link. If the link does not work, you can enter the name of the program in the search bar of your browser and download it through the developer’s website.

In some cases, searching by VID and PID does not bring results. The website does not display software compatible with the controller. Then you need to select a program to work with the flash drive manually. Some of them are universal, suitable for restoring most cards. Such programs will be discussed below.

Recovery using built-in Windows utilities

CHKDSK utility

The utility is suitable for the simplest cases when file system data fails without disrupting the cluster layout. When trying to display existing files when there are bad sectors, the computer will often simply hang, so there is no need to try to open the device. Instead, let's use the command line by doing the following:

  1. Look at what letter the system identifies the drive under (in our case, G).
  2. Launch Command Prompt. To do this, press the Win and R keys or use the “Start” button to open the “Run” window, write the line cmd in the input field, and click Ok.
  3. In the command prompt window, enter G: /f (under the letter G, in our case, the system identifies the flash drive).

This will launch the CHKDSK program to check for file system errors, the /f key will give it the command to automatically correct the problems found. Upon completion of the utility, you will most likely successfully restore the flash drive without losing data.

Windows DiskPart utility

The Diskpart utility is launched via the command line. You can launch the command line by searching in the Start menu. To restore the flash drive you will need the following commands:

To work with the utility, you will need administrator rights on your computer. It should also be run as an administrator. Otherwise, some commands may not work.

Other recovery programs

Fortunately for owners, restoring data and performance of flash drives is much easier than for hard drives or microSD drives. Below are several effective programs that will make a “dead” flash drive work.


What it can do:

  • Format devices if the system fails;
  • Restoring functionality due to software, virus damage or improper cleaning in the past;
  • Flexible settings for working with a flash drive.

Suitable for Windows and MacOS. Disadvantage: there is only an English interface. Not compatible with all types of removable storage devices.

PC Inspector Smart Recovery

The program is suitable for working with any storage media, including hard drives and removable cards. PC Inspector Smart Recovery is distributed free of charge, you can download it. There is a Russian interface.

PC Inspector Smart Recovery can recover files of most existing extensions, including rare ones. The program itself has a convenient hint system, which is aimed at helping users during recovery. The software even recovers data for which header lines have been deleted. The program can clean and format data on storage media in various ways. The user is offered flexible parameter settings and extensive functionality.


The program was developed by the removable storage manufacturer Transcend. It is free, there is a Russian language. You can download it. Designed specifically for working with removable devices, including players, phones, microcards, SD and flash drives.

RecoverRx can:

  • Recovers data. Helps to return deleted files of most formats: text, audio, video, applications.
  • Formats. Safely clears the disk of all data without affecting its performance.
  • Protects. With RecoveRx you can set a password for the device memory. Deleting data will only work if you enter this combination. The function is only compatible with Windows OS.

The program is simple and easy to use. The main window offers a list of all connected devices. The user needs to select a flash drive and the function he wants to use.

The system detects a USB drive as a disk size of 0 bytes

If the system detects a flash drive with a size of 0 bytes, the file system fails with a violation of the cluster layout. If you want to restore data, then it is better to use the instructions above, but if you need to return the flash drive to functionality, then there is a much simpler and faster way without using additional programs - formatting.

For this:

Why do crashes occur?

Problems with flash cards arise for various reasons:

  • The wrong file system was selected when formatting;
  • The flash drive was cleaned incorrectly, the operation was interrupted before formatting was completed;
  • The device was repeatedly forcibly disconnected from the computer while it was working, without software removal;
  • The device memory is infected with a virus;
  • The memory has been overwritten many times without formatting, and the sectors are damaged.

Serious memory problems with flash drives are rare. Common problems include incorrect formatting and virus infections. If you overwrite information in the card's memory, it is recommended to format it.

Careless, careless handling can lead to damage to even the most durable device. Cards do not have moving elements, like HDD drives, but they are also susceptible to malfunctions. You can avoid many problems with flash drives if you store them in dark, dry places, carefully remove them from the computer, and continue formatting and processing files so as not to cause a critical error.

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